;;; riece-channel.el --- a channel object ;; Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Daiki Ueno ;; Author: Daiki Ueno ;; Created: 1998-09-28 ;; Keywords: IRC, riece ;; This file is part of Riece. ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Code: (require 'riece-options) (require 'riece-identity) ;;; String representation of a channel: (defconst riece-channel-regexp "^[+&#!]") (defun riece-channel-p (string) "Return t if STRING is a channel. \(i.e. it matches `riece-channel-regexp')" (string-match riece-channel-regexp string)) ;;; Channel object: (defun riece-find-channel (name) "Get a channel object named NAME from the server buffer." (riece-with-server-buffer (let ((symbol (intern-soft (riece-identity-canonicalize-prefix (riece-identity-prefix name)) riece-obarray))) (if symbol (symbol-value symbol))))) (defun riece-forget-channel (name) (riece-with-server-buffer (let ((symbol (intern-soft (riece-identity-canonicalize-prefix (riece-identity-prefix name)) riece-obarray))) (when symbol (makunbound symbol) (unintern (symbol-name symbol) riece-obarray))))) (defun riece-make-channel (&optional users operators speakers topic modes banned invited uninvited key) "Make an instance of channel object. Arguments are appropriate to channel users, operators, speakers \(+v), topic, modes, banned users, invited users, uninvited users, and the channel key, respectively." (vector users operators speakers topic modes banned invited uninvited)) (defun riece-get-channel (name) (riece-with-server-buffer (let ((symbol (intern-soft (riece-identity-canonicalize-prefix (riece-identity-prefix name)) riece-obarray))) (if symbol (symbol-value symbol) (set (intern (riece-identity-canonicalize-prefix (riece-identity-prefix name)) riece-obarray) (riece-make-channel)))))) (defun riece-channel-users (channel) "Return the users of CHANNEL." (aref channel 0)) (defun riece-channel-operators (channel) "Return the operators of CHANNEL." (aref channel 1)) (defun riece-channel-speakers (channel) "Return the speakers of CHANNEL." (aref channel 2)) (defun riece-channel-topic (channel) "Return the topic of CHANNEL." (aref channel 3)) (defun riece-channel-modes (channel) "Return the modes of CHANNEL." (aref channel 4)) (defun riece-channel-banned (channel) "Return the banned users of CHANNEL." (aref channel 5)) (defun riece-channel-invited (channel) "Return the invited users of CHANNEL." (aref channel 6)) (defun riece-channel-uninvited (channel) "Return the uninvited users of CHANNEL." (aref channel 7)) (defun riece-channel-key (channel) "Return the key of CHANNEL." (aref channel 8)) (defun riece-channel-set-users (channel value) "Set the users of CHANNEL to VALUE." (aset channel 0 value)) (defun riece-channel-set-operators (channel value) "Set the operators of CHANNEL to VALUE." (aset channel 1 value)) (defun riece-channel-set-speakers (channel value) "Set the speakers of CHANNEL to VALUE." (aset channel 2 value)) (defun riece-channel-set-topic (channel value) "Set the topic of CHANNEL to VALUE." (aset channel 3 value)) (defun riece-channel-set-modes (channel value) "Set the modes of CHANNEL to VALUE." (aset channel 4 value)) (defun riece-channel-set-banned (channel value) "Set the banned users of CHANNEL to VALUE." (aset channel 5 value)) (defun riece-channel-set-invited (channel value) "Set the invited users of CHANNEL to VALUE." (aset channel 6 value)) (defun riece-channel-set-uninvited (channel value) "Set the uninvited users of CHANNEL to VALUE." (aset channel 7 value)) (defun riece-channel-set-key (channel value) "Set the key of CHANNEL to VALUE." (aset channel 8 value)) (defun riece-channel-get-users (&optional name) "Return channel's users as list." (riece-channel-users (riece-get-channel (or name riece-current-channel)))) (defun riece-channel-get-operators (&optional name) "Return channel's operators as list." (riece-channel-operators (riece-get-channel (or name riece-current-channel)))) (defun riece-channel-get-speakers (&optional name) "Return channel's speakers as list." (riece-channel-speakers (riece-get-channel (or name riece-current-channel)))) (defun riece-channel-get-topic (&optional name) "Return channel's topic." (riece-channel-topic (riece-get-channel (or name riece-current-channel)))) (defun riece-channel-get-modes (&optional name) "Return channel's modes as list." (riece-channel-modes (riece-get-channel (or name riece-current-channel)))) (defun riece-channel-get-banned (&optional name) "Return channel's banned users as list." (riece-channel-banned (riece-get-channel (or name riece-current-channel)))) (defun riece-channel-get-invited (&optional name) "Return channel's invited users as list." (riece-channel-invited (riece-get-channel (or name riece-current-channel)))) (defun riece-channel-get-uninvited (&optional name) "Return channel's uninvited users as list." (riece-channel-uninvited (riece-get-channel (or name riece-current-channel)))) (defun riece-channel-get-key (&optional name) "Return channel's key." (riece-channel-key (riece-get-channel (or name riece-current-channel)))) ;;; Functions called from `riece-handle-mode-message': (defun riece-channel-toggle-mode (name mode flag) "Add or remove channel MODE of channel." (let* ((channel (riece-get-channel (or name riece-current-channel))) (modes (riece-channel-modes channel))) (if flag (unless (memq mode modes) (riece-channel-set-modes channel (cons mode modes))) (if (memq mode modes) (riece-channel-set-modes channel (delq mode modes)))))) (defun riece-channel-toggle-banned (name pattern flag) "Add or remove banned PATTERN of channel." (let* ((channel (riece-get-channel (or name riece-current-channel))) (banned (riece-channel-banned channel))) (if flag (unless (member pattern banned) (riece-channel-set-banned channel (cons pattern banned))) (if (setq pattern (car (member pattern banned))) (riece-channel-set-banned channel (delq pattern banned)))))) (defun riece-channel-toggle-invited (name pattern flag) "Add or remove invited PATTERN of channel." (let* ((channel (riece-get-channel (or name riece-current-channel))) (invited (riece-channel-invited channel))) (if flag (unless (member pattern invited) (riece-channel-set-invited channel (cons pattern invited))) (if (setq pattern (car (member pattern invited))) (riece-channel-set-invited channel (delq pattern invited)))))) (defun riece-channel-toggle-uninvited (name pattern flag) "Add or remove uninvited PATTERN to channel." (let* ((channel (riece-get-channel (or name riece-current-channel))) (uninvited (riece-channel-uninvited channel))) (if flag (unless (member pattern uninvited) (riece-channel-set-uninvited channel (cons pattern uninvited))) (if (setq pattern (car (member pattern uninvited))) (riece-channel-set-uninvited channel (delq pattern uninvited)))))) (defun riece-channel-toggle-user (name user flag) "Add or remove an user to channel." (let* ((channel (riece-get-channel (or name riece-current-channel))) (users (riece-channel-users channel))) (if flag (unless (member user users) (riece-channel-set-users channel (cons user users))) (if (setq user (car (member user users))) (riece-channel-set-users channel (delq user users)))))) (defun riece-channel-toggle-operator (name user flag) "Add or remove an operator to channel." (let* ((channel (riece-get-channel (or name riece-current-channel))) (operators (riece-channel-operators channel))) (if flag (unless (member user operators) (riece-channel-set-operators channel (cons user operators))) (if (setq user (car (member user operators))) (riece-channel-set-operators channel (delq user operators)))))) (defun riece-channel-toggle-speaker (name user flag) "Add or remove an speaker to channel." (let* ((channel (riece-get-channel (or name riece-current-channel))) (speakers (riece-channel-speakers channel))) (if flag (unless (member user speakers) (riece-channel-set-speakers channel (cons user speakers))) (if (setq user (car (member user speakers))) (riece-channel-set-speakers channel (delq user speakers)))))) (provide 'riece-channel) ;;; riece-channel.el ends here