;;; gnus-nocem.el --- NoCeM pseudo-cancellation treatment ;; Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, ;; 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen ;; Keywords: news ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;;; Code: (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) (require 'gnus) (require 'nnmail) (require 'gnus-art) (require 'gnus-sum) (require 'gnus-range) (defgroup gnus-nocem nil "NoCeM pseudo-cancellation treatment." :group 'gnus-score) (defcustom gnus-nocem-groups '("news.lists.filters" "alt.nocem.misc") "*List of groups that will be searched for NoCeM messages." :group 'gnus-nocem :version "23.1" :type '(repeat (string :tag "Group"))) (defcustom gnus-nocem-issuers '("Adri Verhoef" "alba-nocem@albasani.net" "bleachbot@httrack.com" "news@arcor-online.net" "news@uni-berlin.de" "nocem@arcor.de" "pgpmoose@killfile.org" "xjsppl@gmx.de") "*List of NoCeM issuers to pay attention to. This can also be a list of `(ISSUER CONDITION ...)' elements. See for an issuer registry." :group 'gnus-nocem :link '(url-link "http://www.xs4all.nl/~rosalind/nocemreg/nocemreg.html") :version "23.1" :type '(repeat (cons :format "%v" (string :tag "Issuer") (repeat :tag "Condition" (group (checklist :inline t (const not)) (regexp :tag "Type" :value ".*"))))) :get (lambda (symbol) (mapcar (lambda (elem) (if (consp elem) (cons (car elem) (mapcar (lambda (elt) (if (consp elt) elt (list elt))) (cdr elem))) (list elem))) (default-value symbol))) :set (lambda (symbol value) (custom-set-default symbol (mapcar (lambda (elem) (if (consp elem) (if (cdr elem) (mapcar (lambda (elt) (if (consp elt) (if (cdr elt) elt (car elt)) elt)) elem) (car elem)) elem)) value)))) (defcustom gnus-nocem-directory (nnheader-concat gnus-article-save-directory "NoCeM/") "*Directory where NoCeM files will be stored." :group 'gnus-nocem :type 'directory) (defcustom gnus-nocem-expiry-wait 15 "*Number of days to keep NoCeM headers in the cache." :group 'gnus-nocem :type 'integer) (defcustom gnus-nocem-verifyer (if (locate-library "epg") 'gnus-nocem-epg-verify 'pgg-verify) "*Function called to verify that the NoCeM message is valid. If the function in this variable isn't bound, the message will be used unconditionally." :group 'gnus-nocem :version "23.1" :type '(radio (function-item gnus-nocem-epg-verify) (function-item pgg-verify) (function-item mc-verify) (function :tag "other")) :set (lambda (symbol value) (custom-set-default symbol (if (and (eq value 'gnus-nocem-epg-verify) (not (locate-library "epg"))) 'pgg-verify value)))) (defcustom gnus-nocem-liberal-fetch nil "*If t try to fetch all messages which have @@NCM in the subject. Otherwise don't fetch messages which have references or whose message-id matches a previously scanned and verified nocem message." :group 'gnus-nocem :type 'boolean) (defcustom gnus-nocem-check-article-limit 500 "*If non-nil, the maximum number of articles to check in any NoCeM group." :group 'gnus-nocem :version "21.1" :type '(choice (const :tag "unlimited" nil) (integer 1000))) (defcustom gnus-nocem-check-from t "Non-nil means check for valid issuers in message bodies. Otherwise don't bother fetching articles unless their author matches a valid issuer, which is much faster if you are selective about the issuers." :group 'gnus-nocem :version "21.1" :type 'boolean) ;;; Internal variables (defvar gnus-nocem-active nil) (defvar gnus-nocem-alist nil) (defvar gnus-nocem-touched-alist nil) (defvar gnus-nocem-hashtb nil) (defvar gnus-nocem-seen-message-ids nil) ;;; Functions (defun gnus-nocem-active-file () (concat (file-name-as-directory gnus-nocem-directory) "active")) (defun gnus-nocem-cache-file () (concat (file-name-as-directory gnus-nocem-directory) "cache")) ;; ;; faster lookups for group names: ;; (defvar gnus-nocem-real-group-hashtb nil "Real-name mappings of subscribed groups.") (defun gnus-fill-real-hashtb () "Fill up a hash table with the real-name mappings from the user's active file." (if (hash-table-p gnus-nocem-real-group-hashtb) (clrhash gnus-nocem-real-group-hashtb) (setq gnus-nocem-real-group-hashtb (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) (mapcar (lambda (group) (setq group (gnus-group-real-name (car group))) (puthash group t gnus-nocem-real-group-hashtb)) gnus-newsrc-alist)) ;;;###autoload (defun gnus-nocem-scan-groups () "Scan all NoCeM groups for new NoCeM messages." (interactive) (let ((groups gnus-nocem-groups) (gnus-inhibit-demon t) group active gactive articles check-headers) (gnus-make-directory gnus-nocem-directory) ;; Load any previous NoCeM headers. (gnus-nocem-load-cache) ;; Get the group name mappings: (gnus-fill-real-hashtb) ;; Read the active file if it hasn't been read yet. (and (file-exists-p (gnus-nocem-active-file)) (not gnus-nocem-active) (ignore-errors (load (gnus-nocem-active-file) t t t))) ;; Go through all groups and see whether new articles have ;; arrived. (while (setq group (pop groups)) (if (not (setq gactive (gnus-activate-group group))) () ; This group doesn't exist. (setq active (nth 1 (assoc group gnus-nocem-active))) (when (and (not (< (cdr gactive) (car gactive))) ; Empty group. (or (not active) (< (cdr active) (cdr gactive)))) ;; Ok, there are new articles in this group, se we fetch the ;; headers. (save-excursion (let ((dependencies (make-vector 10 nil)) headers header) (with-temp-buffer (setq headers (if (eq 'nov (gnus-retrieve-headers (setq articles (gnus-uncompress-range (cons (if active (1+ (cdr active)) (car gactive)) (cdr gactive)))) group)) (gnus-get-newsgroup-headers-xover articles nil dependencies) (gnus-get-newsgroup-headers dependencies))) (while (setq header (pop headers)) ;; We take a closer look on all articles that have ;; "@@NCM" in the subject. Unless we already read ;; this cross posted message. Nocem messages ;; are not allowed to have references, so we can ;; ignore scanning followups. (and (string-match "@@NCM" (mail-header-subject header)) (and gnus-nocem-check-from (let ((case-fold-search t)) (catch 'ok (mapc (lambda (author) (if (consp author) (setq author (car author))) (if (string-match author (mail-header-from header)) (throw 'ok t))) gnus-nocem-issuers) nil))) (or gnus-nocem-liberal-fetch (and (or (string= "" (mail-header-references header)) (null (mail-header-references header))) (not (member (mail-header-message-id header) gnus-nocem-seen-message-ids)))) (push header check-headers))) (setq check-headers (last (nreverse check-headers) gnus-nocem-check-article-limit)) (let ((i 0) (len (length check-headers))) (dolist (h check-headers) (gnus-message 7 "Checking article %d in %s for NoCeM (%d of %d)..." (mail-header-number h) group (incf i) len) (gnus-nocem-check-article group h))))))) (setq gnus-nocem-active (cons (list group gactive) (delq (assoc group gnus-nocem-active) gnus-nocem-active))))) ;; Save the results, if any. (gnus-nocem-save-cache) (gnus-nocem-save-active))) (defun gnus-nocem-check-article (group header) "Check whether the current article is an NCM article and that we want it." ;; Get the article. (let ((date (mail-header-date header)) (gnus-newsgroup-name group) issuer b e type) (when (or (not date) (time-less-p (time-since (date-to-time date)) (days-to-time gnus-nocem-expiry-wait))) (gnus-request-article-this-buffer (mail-header-number header) group) (goto-char (point-min)) (when (re-search-forward "-----BEGIN PGP\\(?: SIGNED\\)? MESSAGE-----" nil t) (delete-region (point-min) (match-beginning 0))) (when (re-search-forward "-----END PGP \\(?:MESSAGE\\|SIGNATURE\\)-----\n?" nil t) (delete-region (match-end 0) (point-max))) (goto-char (point-min)) ;; The article has to have proper NoCeM headers. (when (and (setq b (search-forward "\n@@BEGIN NCM HEADERS\n" nil t)) (setq e (search-forward "\n@@BEGIN NCM BODY\n" nil t))) ;; We get the name of the issuer. (narrow-to-region b e) (setq issuer (mail-fetch-field "issuer") type (mail-fetch-field "type")) (widen) (if (not (gnus-nocem-message-wanted-p issuer type)) (message "invalid NoCeM issuer: %s" issuer) (and (gnus-nocem-verify-issuer issuer) ; She is who she says she is. (gnus-nocem-enter-article) ; We gobble the message. (push (mail-header-message-id header) ; But don't come back for gnus-nocem-seen-message-ids))))))) ; second helpings. (defun gnus-nocem-message-wanted-p (issuer type) (let ((issuers gnus-nocem-issuers) wanted conditions condition) (cond ;; Do the quick check first. ((member issuer issuers) t) ((setq conditions (cdr (assoc issuer issuers))) ;; Check whether we want this type. (while (setq condition (pop conditions)) (cond ((stringp condition) (when (string-match condition type) (setq wanted t))) ((and (consp condition) (eq (car condition) 'not) (stringp (cadr condition))) (when (string-match (cadr condition) type) (setq wanted nil))) (t (error "Invalid NoCeM condition: %S" condition)))) wanted)))) (defun gnus-nocem-verify-issuer (person) "Verify using PGP that the canceler is who she says she is." (if (functionp gnus-nocem-verifyer) (ignore-errors (funcall gnus-nocem-verifyer)) ;; If we don't have Mailcrypt, then we use the message anyway. t)) (defun gnus-nocem-enter-article () "Enter the current article into the NoCeM cache." (goto-char (point-min)) (let ((b (search-forward "\n@@BEGIN NCM BODY\n" nil t)) (e (search-forward "\n@@END NCM BODY\n" nil t)) (buf (current-buffer)) ncm id group) (when (and b e) (narrow-to-region b (1+ (match-beginning 0))) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (search-forward "\t" nil t) (cond ((not (ignore-errors (setq group (gnus-group-real-name (symbol-name (read buf)))) (gethash group gnus-nocem-real-group-hashtb))) ;; An error. ) (t ;; Valid group. (beginning-of-line) (while (eq (char-after) ?\t) (forward-line -1)) (setq id (buffer-substring (point) (1- (search-forward "\t")))) (unless (if (hash-table-p gnus-nocem-hashtb) (gethash id gnus-nocem-hashtb) (setq gnus-nocem-hashtb (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) nil) ;; only store if not already present (puthash id t gnus-nocem-hashtb) (push id ncm)) (forward-line 1) (while (eq (char-after) ?\t) (forward-line 1))))) (when ncm (setq gnus-nocem-touched-alist t) (push (cons (let ((time (current-time))) (setcdr (cdr time) nil) time) ncm) gnus-nocem-alist)) t))) ;;;###autoload (defun gnus-nocem-load-cache () "Load the NoCeM cache." (interactive) (unless gnus-nocem-alist ;; The buffer doesn't exist, so we create it and load the NoCeM ;; cache. (when (file-exists-p (gnus-nocem-cache-file)) (load (gnus-nocem-cache-file) t t t) (gnus-nocem-alist-to-hashtb)))) (defun gnus-nocem-save-cache () "Save the NoCeM cache." (when (and gnus-nocem-alist gnus-nocem-touched-alist) (with-temp-file (gnus-nocem-cache-file) (gnus-prin1 `(setq gnus-nocem-alist ',gnus-nocem-alist))) (setq gnus-nocem-touched-alist nil))) (defun gnus-nocem-save-active () "Save the NoCeM active file." (with-temp-file (gnus-nocem-active-file) (gnus-prin1 `(setq gnus-nocem-active ',gnus-nocem-active)))) (defun gnus-nocem-alist-to-hashtb () "Create a hashtable from the Message-IDs we have." (let* ((alist gnus-nocem-alist) (pprev (cons nil alist)) (prev pprev) (expiry (days-to-time gnus-nocem-expiry-wait)) entry) (if (hash-table-p gnus-nocem-hashtb) (clrhash gnus-nocem-hashtb) (setq gnus-nocem-hashtb (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) (while (setq entry (car alist)) (if (not (time-less-p (time-since (car entry)) expiry)) ;; This entry has expired, so we remove it. (setcdr prev (cdr alist)) (setq prev alist) ;; This is ok, so we enter it into the hashtable. (setq entry (cdr entry)) (while entry (puthash (car entry) t gnus-nocem-hashtb) (setq entry (cdr entry)))) (setq alist (cdr alist))))) (gnus-add-shutdown 'gnus-nocem-close 'gnus) (defun gnus-nocem-close () "Clear internal NoCeM variables." (setq gnus-nocem-alist nil gnus-nocem-hashtb nil gnus-nocem-active nil gnus-nocem-touched-alist nil gnus-nocem-seen-message-ids nil gnus-nocem-real-group-hashtb nil)) (defun gnus-nocem-unwanted-article-p (id) "Say whether article ID in the current group is wanted." (and gnus-nocem-hashtb (gethash id gnus-nocem-hashtb))) (autoload 'epg-make-context "epg") (eval-when-compile (autoload 'epg-verify-string "epg") (autoload 'epg-context-result-for "epg") (autoload 'epg-signature-status "epg")) (defun gnus-nocem-epg-verify () "Return t if EasyPG verifies a signed message in the current buffer." (let ((context (epg-make-context 'OpenPGP)) result) (epg-verify-string context (buffer-string)) (and (setq result (epg-context-result-for context 'verify)) (not (cdr result)) (eq (epg-signature-status (car result)) 'good)))) (provide 'gnus-nocem) ;; arch-tag: 0e0c74ea-2f8e-4f3e-8fff-09f767c1adef ;;; gnus-nocem.el ends here