;;; riece-ctcp.el --- CTCP (Client To Client Protocol) support ;; Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Daiki Ueno ;; Author: Daiki Ueno ;; Created: 1998-09-28 ;; Keywords: IRC, riece ;; This file is part of Riece. ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; NOTE: This is an add-on module for Riece. ;;; Code: (require 'riece-version) (require 'riece-misc) (require 'riece-highlight) (require 'riece-display) (require 'riece-debug) (defface riece-ctcp-action-face '((((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "PaleGreen" :italic t)) (((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "ForestGreen" :italic t)) (t (:bold t))) "Face used for displaying \"*** Action:\" line" :group 'riece-highlight-faces) (defvar riece-ctcp-action-face 'riece-ctcp-action-face) (defconst riece-ctcp-action-prefix "*** Action: ") (defvar riece-ctcp-ping-time nil) (defvar riece-ctcp-additional-clientinfo nil) (defvar riece-dialogue-mode-map) (defvar riece-ctcp-enabled nil) (defconst riece-ctcp-description "CTCP (Client To Client Protocol) support.") (defun riece-handle-ctcp-request (prefix string) (when (and riece-ctcp-enabled prefix string (riece-prefix-nickname prefix)) (let* ((parameters (riece-split-parameters string)) (targets (split-string (car parameters) ",")) (message (nth 1 parameters))) (if (string-match "\1\\([^ ]+\\)\\( .+\\)?\1" message) (let ((request (downcase (match-string 1 message)))) (if (match-beginning 2) (setq message (substring (match-string 2 message) 1))) (let ((hook (intern (concat "riece-ctcp-" request "-request-hook"))) (function (intern-soft (concat "riece-handle-ctcp-" request "-request"))) (after-hook (intern (concat "riece-ctcp-after-" request "-request-hook")))) (unless (riece-funcall-ignore-errors (symbol-name hook) #'run-hook-with-args-until-success hook prefix (car targets) message) (if function (riece-funcall-ignore-errors (symbol-name function) function prefix (car targets) message)) (riece-funcall-ignore-errors (symbol-name after-hook) #'run-hook-with-args-until-success after-hook prefix (car targets) message))) t))))) (defun riece-handle-ctcp-version-request (prefix target string) (let* ((target-identity (riece-make-identity target riece-server-name)) (buffer (if (riece-channel-p target) (riece-channel-buffer target-identity))) (user (riece-prefix-nickname prefix))) (riece-send-string (format "NOTICE %s :\1VERSION %s\1\r\n" user (riece-extended-version))) (riece-insert-change buffer (format "CTCP VERSION from %s\n" user)) (riece-insert-change (if (and riece-channel-buffer-mode (not (eq buffer riece-channel-buffer))) (list riece-dialogue-buffer riece-others-buffer) riece-dialogue-buffer) (concat (riece-concat-server-name (format "CTCP VERSION from %s (%s) to %s" user (riece-strip-user-at-host (riece-prefix-user-at-host prefix)) (riece-format-identity target-identity t))) "\n")))) (defun riece-handle-ctcp-ping-request (prefix target string) (let* ((target-identity (riece-make-identity target riece-server-name)) (buffer (if (riece-channel-p target) (riece-channel-buffer target-identity))) (user (riece-prefix-nickname prefix))) (riece-send-string (if string (format "NOTICE %s :\1PING %s\1\r\n" user string) (format "NOTICE %s :\1PING\1\r\n" user string))) (riece-insert-change buffer (format "CTCP PING from %s\n" user)) (riece-insert-change (if (and riece-channel-buffer-mode (not (eq buffer riece-channel-buffer))) (list riece-dialogue-buffer riece-others-buffer) riece-dialogue-buffer) (concat (riece-concat-server-name (format "CTCP PING from %s (%s) to %s" user (riece-strip-user-at-host (riece-prefix-user-at-host prefix)) (riece-format-identity target-identity t))) "\n")))) (defun riece-handle-ctcp-clientinfo-request (prefix target string) (let* ((target-identity (riece-make-identity target riece-server-name)) (buffer (if (riece-channel-p target) (riece-channel-buffer target-identity))) (user (riece-prefix-nickname prefix))) (riece-send-string (format "NOTICE %s :\1CLIENTINFO %s\1\r\n" user (let (messages) (mapatoms (lambda (atom) (let ((case-fold-search t)) (if (and (fboundp atom) (string-match "riece-handle-ctcp-\\(.+\\)-request" (symbol-name atom))) (setq messages (cons (match-string 1 (symbol-name atom)) messages)))))) (mapconcat #'upcase (append messages riece-ctcp-additional-clientinfo) " ")))) (riece-insert-change buffer (format "CTCP CLIENTINFO from %s\n" user)) (riece-insert-change (if (and riece-channel-buffer-mode (not (eq buffer riece-channel-buffer))) (list riece-dialogue-buffer riece-others-buffer) riece-dialogue-buffer) (concat (riece-concat-server-name (format "CTCP CLIENTINFO from %s (%s) to %s" user (riece-strip-user-at-host (riece-prefix-user-at-host prefix)) (riece-format-identity target-identity t))) "\n")))) (defun riece-handle-ctcp-action-request (prefix target string) (let ((buffer (if (riece-channel-p target) (riece-channel-buffer (riece-make-identity target riece-server-name)))) (user (riece-prefix-nickname prefix))) (riece-insert buffer (concat riece-ctcp-action-prefix (riece-format-identity (riece-make-identity user riece-server-name) t) " " string "\n")) (riece-insert (if (and riece-channel-buffer-mode (not (eq buffer riece-channel-buffer))) (list riece-dialogue-buffer riece-others-buffer) riece-dialogue-buffer) (concat (riece-concat-server-name (concat riece-ctcp-action-prefix (riece-format-identity (riece-make-identity target riece-server-name) t) ": " (riece-format-identity (riece-make-identity user riece-server-name) t) " " string)) "\n")))) (defun riece-handle-ctcp-time-request (prefix target string) (let* ((target-identity (riece-make-identity target riece-server-name)) (buffer (if (riece-channel-p target) (riece-channel-buffer target-identity))) (user (riece-prefix-nickname prefix)) (time (format-time-string "%c"))) (riece-send-string (format "NOTICE %s :\1TIME %s\1\r\n" user time)) (riece-insert-change buffer (format "CTCP TIME from %s\n" user)) (riece-insert-change (if (and riece-channel-buffer-mode (not (eq buffer riece-channel-buffer))) (list riece-dialogue-buffer riece-others-buffer) riece-dialogue-buffer) (concat (riece-concat-server-name (format "CTCP TIME from %s (%s) to %s" user (riece-strip-user-at-host (riece-prefix-user-at-host prefix)) (riece-format-identity target-identity t))) "\n")))) (defun riece-handle-ctcp-response (prefix string) (when (and riece-ctcp-enabled prefix string (riece-prefix-nickname prefix)) (let* ((parameters (riece-split-parameters string)) (targets (split-string (car parameters) ",")) (message (nth 1 parameters))) (if (string-match "\1\\([^ ]+\\)\\( .+\\)?\1" message) (let ((response (downcase (match-string 1 message)))) (if (match-beginning 2) (setq message (substring (match-string 2 message) 1))) (let ((hook (intern (concat "riece-ctcp-" response "-response-hook"))) (function (intern-soft (concat "riece-handle-ctcp-" response "-response"))) (after-hook (intern (concat "riece-ctcp-after-" response "-response-hook")))) (unless (riece-funcall-ignore-errors (symbol-name hook) #'run-hook-with-args-until-success hook prefix (car targets) message) (if function (riece-funcall-ignore-errors (symbol-name function) function prefix (car targets) message)) (riece-funcall-ignore-errors (symbol-name after-hook) #'run-hook-with-args-until-success after-hook prefix (car targets) message))) t))))) (defun riece-handle-ctcp-version-response (prefix target string) (riece-insert-change (list riece-dialogue-buffer riece-others-buffer) (concat (riece-concat-server-name (format "CTCP VERSION for %s (%s) = %s" (riece-prefix-nickname prefix) (riece-strip-user-at-host (riece-prefix-user-at-host prefix)) string)) "\n"))) (defun riece-handle-ctcp-ping-response (prefix target string) (let* ((now (current-time)) (elapsed (+ (* 65536 (- (car now) (car riece-ctcp-ping-time))) (- (nth 1 now) (nth 1 riece-ctcp-ping-time))))) (riece-insert-change (list riece-dialogue-buffer riece-others-buffer) (concat (riece-concat-server-name (format "CTCP PING for %s (%s) = %d sec" (riece-prefix-nickname prefix) (riece-strip-user-at-host (riece-prefix-user-at-host prefix)) elapsed)) "\n")))) (defun riece-handle-ctcp-clientinfo-response (prefix target string) (riece-insert-change (list riece-dialogue-buffer riece-others-buffer) (concat (riece-concat-server-name (format "CTCP CLIENTINFO for %s (%s) = %s" (riece-prefix-nickname prefix) (riece-strip-user-at-host (riece-prefix-user-at-host prefix)) string)) "\n"))) (defun riece-handle-ctcp-time-response (prefix target string) (riece-insert-change (list riece-dialogue-buffer riece-others-buffer) (concat (riece-concat-server-name (format "CTCP TIME for %s (%s) = %s" (riece-prefix-nickname prefix) (riece-strip-user-at-host (riece-prefix-user-at-host prefix)) string)) "\n"))) (defun riece-command-ctcp-version (target) (interactive (list (riece-completing-read-identity "Channel/User: " (riece-get-identities-on-server (riece-current-server-name))))) (riece-send-string (format "PRIVMSG %s :\1VERSION\1\r\n" (riece-identity-prefix target)))) (defun riece-command-ctcp-ping (target) (interactive (list (riece-completing-read-identity "Channel/User: " (riece-get-identities-on-server (riece-current-server-name))))) (riece-send-string (format "PRIVMSG %s :\1PING\1\r\n" (riece-identity-prefix target))) (setq riece-ctcp-ping-time (current-time))) (defun riece-command-ctcp-clientinfo (target) (interactive (list (riece-completing-read-identity "Channel/User: " (riece-get-identities-on-server (riece-current-server-name))))) (riece-send-string (format "PRIVMSG %s :\1CLIENTINFO\1\r\n" (riece-identity-prefix target)))) (defun riece-command-ctcp-action (target action) (interactive (list (if current-prefix-arg (riece-completing-read-identity "Channel/User: " (riece-get-identities-on-server (riece-current-server-name))) riece-current-channel) (let (message) (beginning-of-line) (setq message (buffer-substring (point) (progn (end-of-line) (point)))) (if (equal message "") (read-string "Action: ") (prog1 (read-from-minibuffer "Action: " (cons message 0)) (let ((next-line-add-newlines t)) (next-line 1))))))) (if (equal action "") (error "No action")) (riece-send-string (format "PRIVMSG %s :\1ACTION %s\1\r\n" (riece-identity-prefix target) action)) (let ((buffer (riece-channel-buffer target))) (riece-insert buffer (concat riece-ctcp-action-prefix (riece-identity-prefix (riece-current-nickname)) " " action "\n")) (riece-insert (if (and riece-channel-buffer-mode (not (eq buffer riece-channel-buffer))) (list riece-dialogue-buffer riece-others-buffer) riece-dialogue-buffer) (concat (riece-with-server-buffer (riece-identity-server target) (riece-concat-server-name (concat riece-ctcp-action-prefix (riece-format-identity target t) ": " (riece-identity-prefix (riece-current-nickname)) " " action))) "\n")))) (defun riece-command-ctcp-time (target) (interactive (list (riece-completing-read-identity "Channel/User: " (riece-get-identities-on-server (riece-current-server-name))))) (riece-send-string (format "PRIVMSG %s :\1TIME\1\r\n" (riece-identity-prefix target)))) (defun riece-ctcp-requires () (if (memq 'riece-highlight riece-addons) '(riece-highlight))) (defun riece-ctcp-insinuate () (add-hook 'riece-privmsg-hook 'riece-handle-ctcp-request) (add-hook 'riece-notice-hook 'riece-handle-ctcp-response) (if (memq 'riece-highlight riece-addons) (setq riece-dialogue-font-lock-keywords (cons (list (concat "^" riece-time-prefix-regexp "\\(" (regexp-quote riece-ctcp-action-prefix) ".*\\)$") 1 riece-ctcp-action-face t t) riece-dialogue-font-lock-keywords)))) (defun riece-ctcp-enable () (define-key riece-dialogue-mode-map "\C-cv" 'riece-command-ctcp-version) (define-key riece-dialogue-mode-map "\C-cp" 'riece-command-ctcp-ping) (define-key riece-dialogue-mode-map "\C-ca" 'riece-command-ctcp-action) (define-key riece-dialogue-mode-map "\C-cc" 'riece-command-ctcp-clientinfo) (define-key riece-dialogue-mode-map "\C-ct" 'riece-command-ctcp-time) (setq riece-ctcp-enabled t)) (defun riece-ctcp-disable () (define-key riece-dialogue-mode-map "\C-cv" nil) (define-key riece-dialogue-mode-map "\C-cp" nil) (define-key riece-dialogue-mode-map "\C-ca" nil) (define-key riece-dialogue-mode-map "\C-cc" nil) (define-key riece-dialogue-mode-map "\C-ct" nil) (setq riece-ctcp-enabled nil)) (provide 'riece-ctcp) ;;; riece-ctcp.el ends here