;; issue-tracker.el --- SXEmacs Bug Reporting/Tracking ;; Copyright (C) 2005 Steve Youngs ;; Author: Steve Youngs ;; Maintainer: Steve Youngs ;; Created: <2005-01-10> ;; Homepage: http://www.sxemacs.org/ ;; Keywords: bugs issues ;; This file is part of SXEmacs. ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ;; are met: ;; ;; 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;; 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ;; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ;; ;; 3. Neither the name of the author nor the names of any contributors ;; may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this ;; software without specific prior written permission. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR ;; IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED ;; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE ;; DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE ;; FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR ;; CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF ;; SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR ;; BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ;; WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE ;; OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN ;; IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; This will hopefully turn into an interface to the SXEmacs issue ;; tracker. For now, it is basically a clone of xemacsbug with a ;; couple of things changed to suit SXEmacs conditions. ;;; Todo: ;; ;; Interface to our issue tracker. ;;; Code: (require 'shadow) (require 'info) (require 'view-less) (eval-when-compile (defvar mh-before-send-letter-hook)) (defgroup sxemacsbug nil "Sending SXEmacs bug reports." :group 'maint :group 'mail) ;; >> These should be addresses which are accessible to your machine, ;; >> otherwise you can't use this file. It will only work on the ;; >> internet with this address. (defcustom report-sxemacs-bug-address "SXEmacs Devel " "*Address of mailing list for SXEmacs bugs." :group 'sxemacsbug :type 'string) (defcustom report-sxemacs-bug-extra-headers nil "*An alist of mail-header value pairs for SXEmacs bugs. It takes the format (HEADER . VALUE) where both HEADER and VALUE are strings. See `compose-mail'." :group 'sxemacsbug :type '(repeat (cons (string :tag "Header") (string :tag "Value")))) (defcustom report-sxemacs-bug-beta-address "SXEmacs Devel " "*Address of mailing list for SXEmacs beta bugs." :group 'sxemacsbug :type 'string) (defcustom report-sxemacs-bug-beta-extra-headers nil "*An alist of mail-header value pairs for SXEmacs beta bugs. It takes the format (HEADER . VALUE) where both HEADER and VALUE are strings. See `compose-mail'." :group 'sxemacsbug :type '(repeat (cons (string :tag "Header") (string :tag "Value")))) (defvar report-sxemacs-bug-orig-text nil "The automatically-created initial text of bug report.") (defcustom report-sxemacs-bug-no-confirmation nil "*If non-nil, suppress the confirmations asked for the sake of novice users." :group 'sxemacsbug :type 'boolean) (defcustom report-sxemacs-bug-no-explanations nil "*If non-nil, suppress the explanations given for the sake of novice users." :group 'sxemacsbug :type 'boolean) (defcustom report-sxemacs-bug-send-init nil "*If non-nil, include the user's init.el file in the bug report." :group 'sxemacsbug :type 'boolean) (defconst report-sxemacs-bug-help "\nThis bug report will be sent to the SXEmacs Development Team, not to your local site managers!! Please write in English, because the SXEmacs maintainers do not have translators to read other languages for them. Please describe as succinctly as possible: \t- What happened. \t- What you thought should have happened. \t- Precisely what you were doing at the time. Also include a reliable recipe for triggering the bug, as well as any C and lisp back-traces that you may have. \(setq stack-trace-on-error t\), or \(setq debug-on-error t\) if you are familiar with the debugger, to get a lisp back-trace. To get a core file for the C back-trace on a GNU/Linux system do 'ulimit -c unlimited' in the shell prior to starting SXEmacs. Type \\[report-sxemacs-bug-info] to visit in Info the SXEmacs Manual section about when and how to write a bug report, and what information to supply so that the bug can be fixed. Type SPC to scroll through this section and its subsections. You are very welcome to scan through the bug report and remove any potentially sensitive data. Turn off this help buffer permanently by adding: \t \(setq report-sxemacs-bug-no-explanations t\) To your `user-init-file'") (defun report-sxemacs-bug-help () "Display the help buffer for `report-sxemacs-bug'." (declare-fboundp (with-electric-help #'(lambda () (define-key (current-local-map) "\C-c\C-i" 'report-sxemacs-bug-info) (princ (substitute-command-keys report-sxemacs-bug-help)) nil) "*Bug Help*"))) (defun report-sxemacs-bug-packages-list () "Insert into the current buffer a list of installed packages." (let ((pkgs packages-package-list)) (while pkgs (insert (format "(%s ver: %s upstream: %s)\n" (nth 0 (car pkgs)) (nth 2 (car pkgs)) (nth 4 (car pkgs)))) (setq pkgs (cdr pkgs))))) (defun report-sxemacs-bug-via-email (topic &optional recent-keys) "Report a bug in SXEmacs. Prompts for bug subject. Leaves you in a mail buffer." ;; This strange form ensures that (recent-keys) is the value before ;; the bug subject string is read. (interactive (reverse (list (recent-keys) (read-string "Bug Subject: ")))) (let (user-point) (setq topic (concat "[Bug: " emacs-program-version "] " topic)) (if sxemacs-betaname (compose-mail report-sxemacs-bug-beta-address topic report-sxemacs-bug-beta-extra-headers) (compose-mail report-sxemacs-bug-address topic report-sxemacs-bug-extra-headers)) ;; The rest of this does not execute ;; if the user was asked to confirm and said no. (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward "^--text follows this line--$") (forward-line 1) (insert "================================================================\n") (insert "Dear Bug Team!\n\n") (setq user-point (point)) (insert "\n\n================================================================\n System Info to help track down your bug: ---------------------------------------\n\n") ;; Insert the output of 'describe-installation'. (insert (symbol-value 'Installation-string)) ;; Load-path shadows can cause some grief. (flet ((append-message (&rest args) ()) (clear-message (&optional label frame stdout-p no-restore) ())) (insert "\n\nLoad-Path Lisp Shadows:\n" "----------------------\n") (let ((before-shadows (point))) (insert (format "%s" (find-emacs-lisp-shadows load-path))) (save-restriction (narrow-to-region before-shadows (point)) (fill-paragraph t) (insert "\n")))) ;; Insert a list of installed packages. (insert "\n\nInstalled SXEmacs Packages:\n" "--------------------------\n") (report-sxemacs-bug-packages-list) (insert "\n") ;; Insert a list of installed modules. (if (fboundp 'list-modules) (progn (insert "\n\nInstalled Modules:\n" "-----------------\n") (let* ((mods (list-modules))) (while mods (cl-prettyprint (cdr (car mods))) (setq mods (cdr mods)))))) ;; Insert a list of loaded features (let ((before-features (point))) (insert (format "\n\nFeatures:\n--------\n\n%s" (symbol-value 'features))) (save-restriction (narrow-to-region before-features (point)) (fill-paragraph t) (insert "\n"))) ;; Insert recent keystrokes. (insert "\n\n" "Recent keystrokes:\n-----------------\n\n") (let ((before-keys (point))) (insert (key-description recent-keys)) (save-restriction (narrow-to-region before-keys (point)) (goto-char before-keys) (while (progn (move-to-column 50) (not (eobp))) (search-forward " " nil t) (insert "\n")))) ;; Insert recent minibuffer messages. (insert "\n\n\nRecent messages (most recent first):\n" "-----------------------------------\n") (let ((standard-output (current-buffer))) (print-recent-messages 20) (insert "\n")) ;; Insert the contents of the user's init file if it exists. (if report-sxemacs-bug-send-init (if (file-readable-p user-init-file) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-max)) (beginning-of-line) (insert "\n\nUser Init File:\n--------------\n\n") (insert-file-contents user-init-file)))) ;; This is so the user has to type something ;; in order to send easily. (use-local-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (set-keymap-parents map (current-local-map)) map)) (define-key (current-local-map) "\C-c\C-i" 'report-sxemacs-bug-info) ;; Make it less likely people will send empty messages. (cond ((eq mail-user-agent 'sendmail-user-agent) (make-local-variable 'mail-send-hook) (add-hook 'mail-send-hook 'report-sxemacs-bug-hook)) ((eq mail-user-agent 'message-user-agent) (make-local-variable 'message-send-hook) (add-hook 'message-send-hook 'report-sxemacs-bug-hook)) ((eq mail-user-agent 'mh-e-user-agent) (make-local-variable 'mh-before-send-letter-hook) (add-hook 'mh-before-send-letter-hook 'report-sxemacs-bug-hook)) (t (make-local-variable 'mail-send-hook) (add-hook 'mail-send-hook 'report-sxemacs-bug-hook))) (save-excursion (goto-char (point-max)) (skip-chars-backward " \t\n") (make-local-variable 'report-sxemacs-bug-orig-text) (setq report-sxemacs-bug-orig-text (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)))) (goto-char user-point)) (delete-other-windows) (unless report-sxemacs-bug-no-explanations (report-sxemacs-bug-help) (cond ((eq mail-user-agent 'sendmail-user-agent) (message (substitute-command-keys "Type \\[mail-send-and-exit] to send the bug report, \\[kill-buffer] to cancel."))) ((eq mail-user-agent 'message-user-agent) (message (substitute-command-keys "Type \\[message-send-and-exit] to send the bug report, \\[kill-buffer] to cancel."))) ((eq mail-user-agent 'mh-e-user-agent) (message (substitute-command-keys "Type \\[mh-send-letter] to send the bug report, \\[kill-buffer] to cancel."))) (t (message (substitute-command-keys "Type \\[mail-send-and-exit] to send the bug report, \\[kill-buffer] to cancel.")))))) (defun report-sxemacs-bug-info () "Go to the Info node on reporting SXEmacs bugs." (interactive) (Info-goto-node "(xemacs)Bugs")) (defun report-sxemacs-bug-hook () "Hook run before sending a bug report." (save-excursion (goto-char (point-max)) (skip-chars-backward " \t\n") (if (and (= (- (point) (point-min)) (length report-sxemacs-bug-orig-text)) (equal (buffer-substring (point-min) (point)) report-sxemacs-bug-orig-text)) (error "No text entered in bug report")) ;; The last warning for novice users. (if (or report-sxemacs-bug-no-confirmation (yes-or-no-p "Send this bug report to the SXEmacs maintainers? ")) ;; Just send the current mail. nil (goto-char (point-min)) (let* ((top (point))) (re-search-forward "^--text follows this line--$") (save-restriction (narrow-to-region top (point)) (goto-char (point-min)) (if (re-search-forward "^To: " (eobp) t) (let ((pos (point))) (end-of-line) (delete-region pos (point)))) (goto-char (point-min)) (if (re-search-forward "^Cc: " (eobp) t) (let ((pos (point))) (end-of-line) (delete-region pos (point)))))) (cond ((eq mail-user-agent 'sendmail-user-agent) (kill-local-variable 'mail-send-hook)) ((eq mail-user-agent 'message-user-agent) (kill-local-variable 'message-send-hook)) ((eq mail-user-agent 'mh-e-user-agent) (kill-local-variable 'mh-before-send-letter-hook)) (t (kill-local-variable 'mail-send-hook))) (unless report-sxemacs-bug-no-explanations (declare-fboundp (with-electric-help #'(lambda () (insert "\n You invoked the command M-x report-sxemacs-bug, but you decided not to mail the bug report to the SXEmacs maintainers. If you want to mail it to someone else instead, please insert the proper e-mail address after \"To: \", and send the mail again.") nil) "*Bug Help*"))) (error "Sending Bug Report Cancelled")))) (defun report-sxemacs-backtraces () "Save C and lisp backtrace buffers to files. This is a convenience for reporting SXEmacs issues at http://issues.sxemacs.org/. Returns t if any backtrace buffers are found and saved, nil otherwise." (let ((ctrace (or (get-buffer (concat "*gdb-sxemacs-" emacs-program-version "*")) (get-buffer "*gdb-sxemacs*"))) (ltrace (get-buffer "*Backtrace*"))) (when ctrace (save-excursion (set-buffer ctrace) (write-region (point-min) (point-max) (expand-file-name "c-backtrace" (temp-directory))))) (when ltrace (save-excursion (set-buffer ltrace) (write-region (point-min) (point-max) (expand-file-name "lisp-backtrace" (temp-directory))))) (and (or ctrace ltrace) t))) (defun report-sxemacs-save-installation () "Save `Installation-string' to file. This is a convenience for reporting SXEmacs issues at http://issues.sxemacs.org/. Returns t on success, nil otherwise." (let ((file (expand-file-name "Installation" (temp-directory))) (str (and (boundp 'Installation-string) (stringp Installation-string) Installation-string))) (if str (progn (with-temp-buffer (insert str) (write-region (point-min) (point-max) file)) t) nil))) (defconst report-sxemacs-bugzilla-notrace "Thank you very much for taking the time to report a problem with SXEmacs ======================================================================== Unfortunately we haven't been able to find any backtraces that could help us track your problem down. Please try very hard to produce a backtrace. One way you can do this is... If you are not familar with SXEmacs debugging and/or gdb, you can simply `M-: \(setq stack-trace-on-error t\)' or `stack-trace-on-signal'. Then you just reproduce the bug/problem and a *Backtrace* buffer should pop up. Once you have a backtrace, run `M-x report-sxemacs-bug' again and it will be automatically saved to a file so you can attach it to your bug at http://issues.sxemacs.org/. OK, that was for a lisp backtrace, but don't forget a C trace as well. Sometimes they are just as useful, if not more so, as the lisp trace. If you have the XEmacs package \"debug\" installed, the commands `M-x gdb' and `M-x gdb-with-core' are very useful. It runs gdb inside a SXEmacs buffer. If `report-sxemacs-bug' finds a gdb buffer, it will be saved to a file for you to attach to your bug also. For some useful tips on debugging SXEmacs with gdb, see Q2.1.2, and Q2.1.15 of the FAQ \(`C-h F'\). " "Message to user trying to report bugs without traces.") (defconst report-sxemacs-bugzilla-instructions "Thank you very much for reporting a problem with SXEmacs ======================================================== SXEmacs bug and issue tracking is handled by our BugZilla installation at http://issues.sxemacs.org/. To complete your report, you will have to submit the bug/issue there. Look in: `%s' for files named `Installation', `c-backtrace', and `lisp-backtrace' and attach those to your bug. They will help us greatly in finding/fixing your bug. When you fill in the description of your bug, please give as much information as possible. Especially include specific steps required to reproduce the bug. If none of the SXEmacs developers can reproduce your bug it will be very difficult to track down or fix. Ideally, the instructions for reproducing the bug should start with: \"Step 1 -- sxemacs -no-autoloads\" or \"sxemacs -vanilla\" This will reduce the likelihood of local settings being the cause of your bug. Once you have submitted your bug, you should hear from somebody within 24 to 48 hours. If you don't, please give us a reminder on the SXEmacs Devel mailing list. " "Bug reporting instructions.") (defun report-sxemacs-bugzilla-instructions () "Display issue reporting instructions." (let ((blurb (format report-sxemacs-bugzilla-instructions (temp-directory)))) (report-sxemacs-save-installation) (with-displaying-help-buffer (lambda () (princ blurb)) "Reporting Bugs"))) ;;;###autoload (defun report-sxemacs-bug () "SXEmacs bug reporter." (interactive) (if (report-sxemacs-backtraces) (report-sxemacs-bugzilla-instructions) (window-configuration-to-register ?S) (with-output-to-temp-buffer "Reporting Bugs" (set-buffer standard-output) (insert report-sxemacs-bugzilla-notrace) (toggle-read-only 1) (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer "Reporting Bugs")) (view-minor-mode nil #'(lambda (&rest not-used-buffer) (kill-buffer (get-buffer "Reporting Bugs")) (jump-to-register ?S) (when (y-or-n-p "No traces found, continue with issue report anyway? ") (report-sxemacs-bugzilla-instructions))))))) ;;;###autoload (ignore-errors (load "xemacsbug" nil 'nomessage) (eval-after-load "xemacsbug" (defalias 'report-xemacs-bug 'report-sxemacs-bug) (defalias 'report-emacs-bug 'report-sxemacs-bug))) (provide 'issue-tracker) ;;; issue-tracker.el ends here