;;; code-files.el --- File I/O functions for XEmacs. ;; Copyright (C) 1992,93,94,95 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Copyright (C) 1995 Amdahl Corporation. ;; Copyright (C) 1995 Sun Microsystems. ;; This file is part of SXEmacs. ;; SXEmacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; SXEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Synched up with: Not synched. ;;; Commentary: ;; Derived from mule.el in the original Mule but heavily modified ;; by Ben Wing. ;; 1997/3/11 modified by MORIOKA Tomohiko to sync with Emacs 20 API. ;; This file was derived from the former mule-files.el which has been removed ;; as of XEmacs 21.2.15. ;;; Code: (setq-default buffer-file-coding-system 'raw-text) (put 'buffer-file-coding-system 'permanent-local t) (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'file-coding-system 'buffer-file-coding-system) (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'overriding-file-coding-system 'coding-system-for-read) (defvar buffer-file-coding-system-for-read 'undecided "Coding system used when reading a file. This provides coarse-grained control; for finer-grained control, use `file-coding-system-alist'. From a Lisp program, if you wish to unilaterally specify the coding system used for one particular operation, you should bind the variable `coding-system-for-read' rather than setting this variable, which is intended to be used for global environment specification.") (define-obsolete-variable-alias 'file-coding-system-for-read 'buffer-file-coding-system-for-read) (defvar file-coding-system-alist `( ;; This must not be necessary, slb suggests -kkm ;; ("loaddefs.el$" . (binary . binary)) ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (regexp) (cons regexp 'binary)) binary-file-regexps) (#r"TUTORIAL\.\(?:hr\|pl\|ro\)\'" . iso-8859-2) ;; ("\\.\\(el\\|emacs\\|info\\(-[0-9]+\\)?\\|texi\\)$" . iso-2022-8) ;; ("\\(ChangeLog\\|CHANGES-beta\\)$" . iso-2022-8) ;; This idea is totally broken, and the code didn't work anyway. ;; Mailboxes should be decoded by mail clients, who actually know ;; how to deal with them. Otherwise, their contents should be ;; treated as `binary'. ;("/spool/mail/.*$" . convert-mbox-coding-system) ) "Alist to decide a coding system to use for a file I/O operation. The format is ((PATTERN . VAL) ...), where PATTERN is a regular expression matching a file name, VAL is a coding system, a cons of coding systems, or a function symbol. If VAL is a coding system, it is used for both decoding and encoding the file contents. If VAL is a cons of coding systems, the car part is used for decoding, and the cdr part is used for encoding. If VAL is a function symbol, the function must return a coding system or a cons of coding systems which are used as above. This overrides the more general specification in `buffer-file-coding-system-for-read', but is overridden by `coding-system-for-read'.") (defun set-buffer-file-coding-system (coding-system &optional force) "Set buffer-file-coding-system of the current buffer to CODING-SYSTEM. If optional argument FORCE (interactively, the prefix argument) is not given, attempt to match the EOL type of the new coding system to the current value of `buffer-file-coding-system'." (interactive "zFile coding system: \nP") (get-coding-system coding-system) ;; correctness check (if (not force) (setq coding-system (subsidiary-coding-system coding-system (coding-system-eol-type buffer-file-coding-system)))) (setq buffer-file-coding-system coding-system) (redraw-modeline t)) (defun toggle-buffer-file-coding-system () "Set EOL type of buffer-file-coding-system of the current buffer to something other than what it is at the moment." (interactive) (let ((eol-type (coding-system-eol-type buffer-file-coding-system))) (setq buffer-file-coding-system (subsidiary-coding-system (coding-system-base buffer-file-coding-system) (cond ((eq eol-type 'lf) 'crlf) ((eq eol-type 'crlf) 'lf) ((eq eol-type 'cr) 'lf)))) (set-buffer-modified-p t))) (define-obsolete-function-alias 'set-file-coding-system 'set-buffer-file-coding-system) (defun set-buffer-file-coding-system-for-read (coding-system) "Set the coding system used when reading in a file. This is equivalent to setting the variable `buffer-file-coding-system-for-read'. You can also use `file-coding-system-alist' to specify the coding system for particular files." (interactive "zFile coding system for read: ") (get-coding-system coding-system) ;; correctness check (setq buffer-file-coding-system-for-read coding-system)) (define-obsolete-function-alias 'set-file-coding-system-for-read 'set-buffer-file-coding-system-for-read) (defun set-default-buffer-file-coding-system (coding-system) "Set the default value of `buffer-file-coding-system' to CODING-SYSTEM. The default value is used both for buffers without associated files and for files with no apparent coding system (i.e. primarily ASCII). See `buffer-file-coding-system' for more information." (interactive "zDefault file coding system: ") (setq-default buffer-file-coding-system coding-system) (redraw-modeline t)) (define-obsolete-function-alias 'set-default-file-coding-system 'set-default-buffer-file-coding-system) (defun find-file-coding-system-for-read-from-filename (filename) "Look up coding system to read a file in `file-coding-system-alist'. The return value will be nil (no applicable entry) or a coding system object (the entry specified a coding system)." (let ((alist file-coding-system-alist) (found nil) (codesys nil)) (let ((case-fold-search nil)) (setq filename (file-name-sans-versions filename)) (while (and (not found) alist) (if (string-match (car (car alist)) filename) (setq codesys (cdr (car alist)) found t)) (setq alist (cdr alist)))) (when codesys (if (functionp codesys) (setq codesys (funcall codesys 'insert-file-contents filename)) ) (cond ((consp codesys) (find-coding-system (car codesys))) ((find-coding-system codesys)) )))) (define-obsolete-function-alias 'find-file-coding-system-from-filename 'find-file-coding-system-for-read-from-filename) (defun find-file-coding-system-for-write-from-filename (filename) "Look up coding system to write a file in `file-coding-system-alist'. The return value will be nil (no applicable entry) or a coding system object (the entry specified a coding system)." (let ((alist file-coding-system-alist) (found nil) (codesys nil)) (let ((case-fold-search nil)) (setq filename (file-name-sans-versions filename)) (while (and (not found) alist) (if (string-match (car (car alist)) filename) (setq codesys (cdr (car alist)) found t)) (setq alist (cdr alist)))) (when codesys (if (functionp codesys) (setq codesys (funcall codesys 'write-region filename)) ) (cond ((consp codesys) (find-coding-system (cdr codesys))) ((find-coding-system codesys)) )))) ;; This was completely broken, not only in implementation (does not ;; understand MIME), but in concept -- such high-level decoding should ;; be done by mail readers, not by IO code! Removed 2000-04-18. ;(defun convert-mbox-coding-system (filename visit start end) ...) (defun find-coding-system-magic-cookie () "Look for the coding-system magic cookie in the current buffer. The coding-system magic cookie is the exact string \";;;###coding system: \" followed by a valid coding system symbol, somewhere within the first 3000 characters of the file. If found, the coding system symbol is returned; otherwise nil is returned. Note that it is extremely unlikely that such a string would occur coincidentally as the result of encoding some characters in a non-ASCII charset, and that the spaces make it even less likely since the space character is not a valid octet in any ISO 2022 encoding of most non-ASCII charsets." (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (or (and (looking-at "^[^\n]*-\\*-[^\n]*coding: \\([^ \t\n;]+\\)[^\n]*-\\*-") (let ((codesys (intern (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1)(match-end 1))))) (if (find-coding-system codesys) codesys))) ;; (save-excursion ;; (let (start end) ;; (and (re-search-forward "^;+[ \t]*Local Variables:" nil t) ;; (setq start (match-end 0)) ;; (re-search-forward "\n;+[ \t]*End:") ;; (setq end (match-beginning 0)) ;; (save-restriction ;; (narrow-to-region start end) ;; (goto-char start) ;; (re-search-forward "^;;; coding: \\([^\n]+\\)$" nil t) ;; ) ;; (let ((codesys ;; (intern (buffer-substring ;; (match-beginning 1)(match-end 1))))) ;; (if (find-coding-system codesys) codesys)) ;; ))) (let ((case-fold-search nil)) (if (search-forward ";;;###coding system: " (+ (point-min) 3000) t) (let ((start (point)) (end (progn (skip-chars-forward "^ \t\n\r") (point)))) (if (> end start) (let ((codesys (intern (buffer-substring start end)))) (if (find-coding-system codesys) codesys))) ))) ))) (defun load (file &optional noerror nomessage nosuffix) "Execute a file of Lisp code named FILE. First tries FILE with .elc appended, then tries with .el, then tries FILE unmodified. Searches directories in load-path. If optional second arg NOERROR is non-nil, report no error if FILE doesn't exist. Print messages at start and end of loading unless optional third arg NOMESSAGE is non-nil. If optional fourth arg NOSUFFIX is non-nil, don't try adding suffixes .elc or .el to the specified name FILE. Return t if file exists." (let* ((filename (substitute-in-file-name file)) (handler (find-file-name-handler filename 'load)) (path nil)) (cond (handler (funcall handler 'load filename noerror nomessage nosuffix)) ((<= (length filename) 0) (and (null noerror) (signal 'file-error (list "Cannot open load file" filename)))) ((setq path (locate-file filename load-path (and (not nosuffix) '(".elc" ".el" "")))) ;; now use the internal load to actually load the file. (load-internal file noerror nomessage nosuffix (let ((elc ;; use string= instead of string-match to keep match-data. (string= ".elc" (downcase (substring path -4))))) (or (and (not elc) coding-system-for-read) ; prefer for source file ;; find magic-cookie (save-excursion (set-buffer (get-buffer-create " *load*")) (erase-buffer) (let ((coding-system-for-read 'raw-text)) (insert-file-contents path nil 0 3000)) (find-coding-system-magic-cookie)) (if elc ;; if reading a byte-compiled file and we didn't find ;; a coding-system magic cookie, then use `binary'. ;; We need to guarantee that we never do autodetection ;; on byte-compiled files because confusion here would ;; be a very bad thing. Pre-existing byte-compiled ;; files are always in the `binary' coding system. ;; Also, byte-compiled files always use `lf' to terminate ;; a line; don't risk confusion here either. 'binary (or (find-file-coding-system-for-read-from-filename path) ;; looking up in `file-coding-system-alist'. ;; otherwise use `buffer-file-coding-system-for-read', ;; as normal buffer-file-coding-system-for-read) ))))) ((setq path (locate-file filename load-path (and (not nosuffix) (if (boundp 'module-extensions) module-extensions)))) (if (featurep 'modules) (let ((load-modules-quietly nomessage)) (declare-fboundp (load-module path))) (signal 'file-error '("This SXEmacs does not support modules")))) ((null noerror) (signal 'file-error (list "Cannot open load file" filename)))))) (defvar insert-file-contents-access-hook nil "A hook to make a file accessible before reading it. `insert-file-contents' calls this hook before doing anything else. Called with two arguments: FILENAME and VISIT, the same as the corresponding arguments in the call to `insert-file-contents'.") (defvar insert-file-contents-pre-hook nil "A special hook to decide the coding system used for reading in a file. Before reading a file, `insert-file-contents' calls the functions on this hook with arguments FILENAME and VISIT, the same as the corresponding arguments in the call to `insert-file-contents'. In these functions, you may refer to the global variable `buffer-file-coding-system-for-read'. The return value of the functions should be either -- nil -- A coding system or a symbol denoting it, indicating the coding system to be used for reading the file -- A list of two elements (absolute pathname and length of data inserted), which is used as the return value to `insert-file-contents'. In this case, `insert-file-contents' assumes that the function has inserted the file for itself and suppresses further reading. If any function returns non-nil, the remaining functions are not called.") (defvar insert-file-contents-error-hook nil "A hook to set `buffer-file-coding-system' when a read error has occurred. When a file error (e.g. nonexistent file) occurs while read a file, `insert-file-contents' calls the functions on this hook with three arguments: FILENAME and VISIT (the same as the corresponding arguments in the call to `insert-file-contents') and a cons (SIGNALED-CONDITIONS . SIGNAL-DATA). After calling this hook, the error is signalled for real and propagates to the caller of `insert-file-contents'.") (defvar insert-file-contents-post-hook nil "A hook to set `buffer-file-coding-system' for the current buffer. After successful reading, `insert-file-contents' calls the functions on this hook with four arguments: FILENAME and VISIT (the same as the corresponding arguments in the call to `insert-file-contents'), CODING-SYSTEM (the actual coding system used to decode the file), and a cons of absolute pathname and length of data inserted (the same thing as will be returned from `insert-file-contents').") (defun insert-file-contents (filename &optional visit start end replace) "Insert contents of file FILENAME after point. Returns list of absolute file name and length of data inserted. If second argument VISIT is non-nil, the buffer's visited filename and last save file modtime are set, and it is marked unmodified. If visiting and the file does not exist, visiting is completed before the error is signaled. The optional third and fourth arguments START and END specify what portion of the file to insert. If VISIT is non-nil, START and END must be nil. If optional fifth argument REPLACE is non-nil, it means replace the current buffer contents (in the accessible portion) with the file contents. This is better than simply deleting and inserting the whole thing because (1) it preserves some marker positions and (2) it puts less data in the undo list. The coding system used for decoding the file is determined as follows: 1. `coding-system-for-read', if non-nil. 2. The result of `insert-file-contents-pre-hook', if non-nil. 3. The matching value for this filename from `file-coding-system-alist', if any. 4. `buffer-file-coding-system-for-read', if non-nil. 5. The coding system 'raw-text. If a local value for `buffer-file-coding-system' in the current buffer does not exist, it is set to the coding system which was actually used for reading. See also `insert-file-contents-access-hook', `insert-file-contents-pre-hook', `insert-file-contents-error-hook', and `insert-file-contents-post-hook'." (let (return-val coding-system used-codesys) ;; OK, first load the file. (condition-case err (progn (run-hook-with-args 'insert-file-contents-access-hook filename visit) ;; determine the coding system to use, as described above. (setq coding-system (or ;; #1. coding-system-for-read ;; #2. (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'insert-file-contents-pre-hook filename visit) ;; #3. (find-file-coding-system-for-read-from-filename filename) ;; #4. buffer-file-coding-system-for-read ;; #5. 'raw-text)) (if (consp coding-system) (setq return-val coding-system) (if (null (find-coding-system coding-system)) (progn (message "Invalid coding-system (%s), using 'undecided" coding-system) (setq coding-system 'undecided))) (setq return-val (insert-file-contents-internal filename visit start end replace coding-system ;; store here! 'used-codesys)) )) (file-error (run-hook-with-args 'insert-file-contents-error-hook filename visit err) (signal (car err) (cdr err)))) (setq coding-system used-codesys) ;; call any `post-read-conversion' for the coding system that ;; was used ... (let ((func (coding-system-property coding-system 'post-read-conversion)) (endmark (make-marker))) (set-marker endmark (+ (point) (nth 1 return-val))) (if func (unwind-protect (save-excursion (let (buffer-read-only) (funcall func (point) (marker-position endmark)))) (if visit (progn (set-buffer-auto-saved) (set-buffer-modified-p nil))))) (setcar (cdr return-val) (- (marker-position endmark) (point)))) ;; now finally set the buffer's `buffer-file-coding-system'. (if (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'insert-file-contents-post-hook filename visit return-val) nil (if (local-variable-p 'buffer-file-coding-system (current-buffer)) ;; if buffer-file-coding-system is already local, just ;; set its eol type to what was found, if it wasn't ;; set already. (set-buffer-file-coding-system (subsidiary-coding-system buffer-file-coding-system (coding-system-eol-type coding-system))) ;; otherwise actually set buffer-file-coding-system. (set-buffer-file-coding-system coding-system))) return-val)) (defvar write-region-pre-hook nil "A special hook to decide the coding system used for writing out a file. Before writing a file, `write-region' calls the functions on this hook with arguments START, END, FILENAME, APPEND, VISIT, LOCKNAME and CODING-SYSTEM, the same as the corresponding arguments in the call to `write-region'. The return value of each function should be one of -- nil -- A coding system or a symbol denoting it, indicating the coding system to be used for writing the file -- A list of two elements (absolute pathname and length of data written), which is used as the return value to `write-region'. In this case, `write-region' assumes that the function has written the file and returns. If any function returns non-nil, the remaining functions are not called.") (defvar write-region-post-hook nil "A hook called by `write-region' after a file has been written out. The functions on this hook are called with arguments START, END, FILENAME, APPEND, VISIT, LOCKNAME, and CODING-SYSTEM, the same as the corresponding arguments in the call to `write-region'.") (defun write-region (start end filename &optional append visit lockname coding-system) "Write current region into specified file. By default the file's existing contents are replaced by the specified region. Called interactively, prompts for a file name. With a prefix arg, prompts for a coding system as well. When called from a program, takes three required arguments: START, END and FILENAME. START and END are buffer positions. Optional fourth argument APPEND if non-nil means append to existing file contents (if any). Optional fifth argument VISIT if t means set last-save-file-modtime of buffer to this file's modtime and mark buffer not modified. If VISIT is a string, it is a second file name; the output goes to FILENAME, but the buffer is marked as visiting VISIT. VISIT is also the file name to lock and unlock for clash detection. If VISIT is neither t nor nil nor a string, that means do not print the \"Wrote file\" message. The optional sixth arg LOCKNAME, if non-nil, specifies the name to use for locking and unlocking, overriding FILENAME and VISIT. Kludgy feature: if START is a string, then that string is written to the file, instead of any buffer contents, and END is ignored. Optional seventh argument CODING-SYSTEM specifies the coding system used to encode the text when it is written out, and defaults to the value of `buffer-file-coding-system' in the current buffer. See also `write-region-pre-hook' and `write-region-post-hook'." (interactive "r\nFWrite region to file: \ni\ni\ni\nZCoding-system: ") (setq coding-system (or coding-system-for-write (run-hook-with-args-until-success 'write-region-pre-hook start end filename append visit lockname coding-system) coding-system buffer-file-coding-system (find-file-coding-system-for-write-from-filename filename) )) (if (consp coding-system) ;; One of the `write-region-pre-hook' functions wrote the file coding-system (let ((func (coding-system-property coding-system 'pre-write-conversion))) (if func (let ((curbuf (current-buffer)) (tempbuf (generate-new-buffer " *temp-write-buffer*")) (modif (buffer-modified-p))) (unwind-protect (save-excursion (set-buffer tempbuf) (erase-buffer) (insert-buffer-substring curbuf start end) (funcall func (point-min) (point-max)) (write-region-internal (point-min) (point-max) filename append (if (eq visit t) nil visit) lockname coding-system)) ;; leaving a buffer associated with file will cause problems ;; when next visiting. (kill-buffer tempbuf) (if (or visit (null modif)) (progn (set-buffer-auto-saved) (set-buffer-modified-p nil) (if (buffer-file-name) (set-visited-file-modtime)))))) (write-region-internal start end filename append visit lockname coding-system))) (run-hook-with-args 'write-region-post-hook start end filename append visit lockname coding-system))) ;;; code-files.el ends here