-*- Outline -*- This file is in Outline mode. It is best viewed under SXEmacs. Press C-c C-o (Ctrl+c Ctrl+o) now to see a list of headings. To expand a heading: Put the cursor on the heading and press C-c C-s To collapse a heading: Press C-c C-d For general SXEmacs navigation tips: Press C-h t The SXEmacs Packages Quick Start Guide ------------------------------------- This text is intended to help you get started installing a new SXEmacs and its packages. For more details see the 'Startup Paths' and 'Packages' sections of the SXEmacs info manual. * Real Real Quickstart FAQ -------------------------- Q. Do I need to have the packages to compile SXEmacs? A. Theoretically, no -- SXEmacs will build and install just fine without any packages installed. However, only the most basic editing functions will be available with no packages installed, so installing packages is an essential part of making your installed SXEmacs _useful_. Q. How do I tell SXEmacs where to find the packages? A. Normally, you put the packages under $prefix/share/sxemacs/*-packages, where $prefix is specified using the `--prefix' parameter to `configure'. (See `Package hierarchies' below). However, if you have the packages somewhere else (e.g. you're a developer and are compiling the packages yourself, and want your own private copy of everything), use the `--with-package-path' parameter, something like this: configure --with-package-path="~/.sxemacs::/src/sxemacs/site-packages:/src/sxemacs/xemacs-packages:/src/sxemacs/mule-packages" ... Q. After installing, I want SXEmacs to do `foo', but when I invoke it (or click the toolbar button or select the menu item), nothing (or an error) happens, and it used to work. A. See the first FAQ; you may be missing a package that is essential to you. You can either track it down and install it, or install the `Sumo Tarball' (see the second FAQ). * A note of caution ------------------- The SXEmacs package system is still in its infancy. Please expect a few minor hurdles on the way. Also neither the interface nor the structure is set in stone. The SXEmacs maintainers reserve the right to sacrifice backwards compatibility as quirks are worked out over the coming releases. * Some package theory --------------------- In order to reduce the size and increase the maintainability of SXEmacs, we don't bundle or ship any elisp packages, other than a "bare bones" assortment of elisp that gives SXEmacs fairly basic functionality. The SXEmacs team doesn't host any package repositories, and doesn't maintain any packages. But there's no need for concern, SXEmacs can use the XEmacs packages without problem. * Package hierarchies --------------------- On Startup SXEmacs looks for packages in so-called package hierarchies. Normally, there are up to four system wide hierarchies, like this: $prefix/share/sxemacs/xemacs-packages/ Normal packages go here. $prefix/share/sxemacs/mule-packages/ Mule packages go here and are only searched by MULE-enabled SXEmacsen. $prefix/share/sxemacs/site-packages/ Local and 3rd party packages go here. $prefix/share/sxemacs/sxemacs-packages/ SXEmacs-specific go here (none exist yet) This is what you get when you untar the SUMO tarballs under $prefix/share/sxemacs. $prefix is specified using the `--prefix' parameter to `configure', and defaults to `/usr/local'. If your packages are located in the above directories, SXEmacs will automatically find them at startup; however, if you have your packages somewhere else (e.g. you're a developer and are compiling the packages yourself, and want your own private copy of everything), you can tell SXEmacs specifically where to look for the packages by using the `--with-package-path' parameter to the 'configure' script. Normally, it looks like this: configure --with-package-path="~/.xemacs::/src/xemacs/site-packages:/src/xemacs/xemacs-packages:/src/xemacs/mule-packages" ... See `configure --help' for more info about the format of this parameter. Note: Most people will _not_ need to set --with-package-path * Where to get the packages --------------------------- Packages are available from ftp://ftp.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/packages and its mirrors. * Bootstrapping the package tools --------------------------------- You only need to read this section if you do not have _any_ XEmacs packages installed. Unlike XEmacs, SXEmacs' package tools are usable without having to manually install any packages to "bootstrap" it. There are two requirements for this to work... 1. Your SXEmacs includes support for FFI. Configure automatically detects it if you have it. And this quick test will return `t' if you do... M-: (fboundp #'ffi-defun) RET 2. libcurl.so installed. Note that you do not need this library to build SXEmacs. All you have to do now is... 1. Set a download site... Menu: Tools -> Packages -> Set Download Site -> 2. `M-x pui-bootstrap RET' That's it! What will happen is that SXEmacs will download and install the latest package-index file. Then it will download and install the latest versions of the EFS and xemacs-base packages. Finally, SXEmacs will ask you if you want to install more packages. At this point, SXEmacs reverts back to "normal" PUI behaviour (using EFS to download the packages). * How to install the packages ----------------------------- There are a few different ways to install packages: 1. Automatically, using the package tools from SXEmacs. 2. Manually, using individual package tarballs. 3. Manually, all at once, using the 'Sumo Tarball'. 4. The lazy (smart) XEmacs users' way. ** Automatically, using the package tools from SXEmacs ----------------------------------------------------- SXEmacs comes with some tools to make the periodic updating and installing easier. It will notice if new packages or versions are available and will fetch them from the FTP site. (1) Choose a download site. - via menu: Tools -> Packages -> Set Download Site - via keyb: M-x customize-variable RET package-get-remote RET (put in the details of remote host and directory) If the package tarballs _AND_ the package-index file are in a local directory, you can: M-x pui-set-local-package-get-directory RET (2) Obtain a list of packages and display the list in a buffer named "*Packages*". - menu: Tools -> Packages -> List & Install - keyb: M-x pui-list-packages RET SXEmacs will now connect to the remote site and download the latest package-index file. The resulting buffer, "*Packages*" has brief instructions at the end of the buffer. (3) Choose the packages you wish to install. - mouse: Click button 2 on the package name. - keyb: RET on the package name (4) Make sure you have everything you need. - menu: Packages -> Add Required - keyb: r SXEmacs will now search for packages that are required by the ones that you have chosen to install and offer to select those packages also. For novices and gurus alike, this step can save your bacon. It's easy to forget to install a critical package. (5) Download and install the packages. - menu: Packages -> Install/Remove Selected - keyb: x ** Manually, using individual package tarballs ---------------------------------------------- Fetch the packages from the FTP site, CD-ROM whatever. The filenames have the form name--pkg.tar.gz and are gzipped tar files. For a fresh install it is sufficient to untar the file at the top of the package hierarchy. Note: If you are upgrading packages already installed, it's best to remove the old package first (see 'Upgrading/Removing Packages' below). For example if we are installing the 'xemacs-base' package (version 1.48): mkdir $prefix/share/sxemacs/xemacs-packages RET # if it does not exist yet cd $prefix/share/sxemacs/xemacs-packages RET gunzip -c /path/to/xemacs-base-1.48-pkg.tar.gz | tar xvf - RET Or if you have GNU tar, the last step can be: tar zxvf /path/to/xemacs-base-1.48-pkg.tar.gz RET For MULE related packages, it is best to untar into the mule-packages hierarchy, i.e. for the mule-base package, version 1.37: mkdir $prefix/share/sxemacs/mule-packages RET # if it does not exist yet cd $prefix/share/sxemacs/mule-packages RET gunzip -c /path/to/mule-base-1.37-pkg.tar.gz | tar xvf - RET Or if you have GNU tar, the last step can be: tar zxvf /path/to/mule-base-1.37-pkg.tar.gz RET ** Manually, all at once, using the 'Sumo Tarball' -------------------------------------------------- Those with little time, cheap connections and plenty of disk space can install all the packages at once using the sumo tarballs. Download the file: xemacs-sumo.tar.gz For an SXEmacs compiled with Mule you also may want: xemacs-mule-sumo.tar.gz N.B. They are called 'Sumo Tarballs' for good reason. They are currently about 19MB and 4.5MB (gzipped) respectively. Install them by: cd $prefix/share/sxemacs ; gunzip -c | tar xvf - RET Or, if you have GNU tar: cd $prefix/share/sxemacs ; tar zxvf /path/to/ RET As the Sumo tarballs are not regenerated as often as the individual packages, it is recommended that you use the automatic package tools afterwards to pick up any recent updates. ** The lazy (smart) XEmacs users' way ------------------------------------- If you are a XEmacs user and already have all the packages installed in the XEmacs locations, here is a quick and easy way to get SXEmacs to see and use them too... ln -svf /usr/local/lib/xemacs /usr/local/share/sxemacs RET You can do the same with your ~/.xemacs directory too... ln -svf ~/.xemacs ~/.sxemacs RET * After Installation -------------------- Updated packages can only be used by SXEmacs after a restart. * Which Packages to install? ---------------------------- This is difficult to say. When in doubt install a package. If you administrate a big site it might be a good idea to just install everything. A good minimal set of packages for SXEmacs-latin1 would be xemacs-base, xemacs-devel, c-support, cc-mode, debug, dired, efs, edit-utils, mail-lib, net-utils, os-utils, prog-modes, text-modes, time If you are using the SXEmacs package tools, don't forget to do: Packages -> Add Required To make sure you have everything that the packages you have chosen to install need. See also '.../etc/PACKAGES' for further descriptions of the individual packages. * Upgrading/Removing Packages ----------------------------- As the exact files and their locations contained in a package may change it is recommended to remove a package first before installing a new version. In order to facilitate removal each package contains an pgkinfo/MANIFEST.pkgname file which list all the files belong to the package. M-x package-admin-delete-binary-package RET can be used to remove a package using this file. Note that the interactive package tools included with SXEmacs already do this for you. * User Package directories -------------------------- In addition to the system wide packages, each user can have his own packages installed under "~/.sxemacs/". If you want to install packages there using the interactive tools, you need to set 'package-get-install-to-user-init-directory' to 't' * Site lisp/Site start ---------------------- The site-packages hierarchy replaces the old 'site-lisp' directory. SXEmacs no longer looks into a 'site-lisp' directly by default. A good place to put 'site-start.el' would be in $prefix/share/sxemacs/site-packages/lisp/ * Finding the right packages ---------------------------- If you want to find out which package contains the functionality you are looking for, use M-x package-get-package-provider, and give it a symbol that is likely to be in that package. For example, if some code you want to use has a (require 'thingatpt) in it: M-x package-get-package-provider RET thingatpt RET which will return something like: (fsf-compat "1.08").