;;; riece-xemacs.el --- XEmacs specific functions ;; Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Daiki Ueno ;; Author: Daiki Ueno ;; Keywords: emulation ;; This file is part of Riece. ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ;; Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ;;; Code: (defun riece-xemacs-hide-modeline () "Remove modeline from current window." (set-specifier has-modeline-p nil (current-buffer))) (when (featurep 'scrollbar) (defun riece-xemacs-hide-scrollbars () (if (boundp 'horizontal-scrollbar-visible-p) (set-specifier horizontal-scrollbar-visible-p nil (current-buffer)) (if (boundp 'scrollbar-height) (set-specifier scrollbar-height 0 (current-buffer))))) (add-hook 'riece-user-list-mode-hook 'riece-xemacs-hide-scrollbars) (add-hook 'riece-channel-list-mode-hook 'riece-xemacs-hide-scrollbars)) (add-hook 'riece-user-list-mode-hook 'riece-xemacs-hide-modeline) (add-hook 'riece-channel-list-mode-hook 'riece-xemacs-hide-modeline) (defun riece-xemacs-mode-line-buffer-identification (line) "Decorate 1st element of `mode-line-buffer-identification' LINE. Modify whole identification by side effect." (let ((id (car line)) chop) (if (and (stringp id) (string-match "^Riece:" id)) (progn (setq chop (match-end 0)) (nconc (list (cons (copy-extent modeline-buffer-id-left-extent) (substring id 0 chop)) (cons (copy-extent modeline-buffer-id-right-extent) (substring id chop))) (cdr line))) line))) (defun riece-xemacs-simplify-modeline-format () "Remove unnecessary information from `modeline-format'." (setq modeline-format (remrassq 'modeline-modified (delq 'modeline-multibyte-status (copy-sequence mode-line-format))))) (defalias 'riece-mode-line-buffer-identification 'riece-xemacs-mode-line-buffer-identification) (defalias 'riece-simplify-mode-line-format 'riece-xemacs-simplify-modeline-format) (defalias 'riece-set-case-syntax-pair 'put-case-table-pair) ;;; stolen (and renamed) from gnus-xmas.el. ;;; In GNU Emacs, user can intercept whole mouse tracking events by ;;; assigning [mouse-X]. In XEmacs, however, which causes different ;;; effect, that is, the command assigned to [mouse-X] only catches ;;; button-release events. (defvar riece-mouse-2 [button2]) ;;; popup-menu compatibility stuff, stolen (and renamed) from ;;; semi-def.el. (defun riece-popup-menu-popup (menu event) (let ((response (get-popup-menu-response menu event))) (if response (funcall (event-function response) (event-object response))))) (defalias 'riece-event-buffer 'event-buffer) (defalias 'riece-event-point 'event-point) ;;; stolen (and renamed) from gnus-xmas.el. (defalias 'riece-region-active-p 'region-active-p) (defalias 'riece-make-overlay 'make-extent) (defalias 'riece-overlay-put 'set-extent-property) (defalias 'riece-overlay-start 'extent-start-position) (defalias 'riece-overlay-buffer 'extent-buffer) (provide 'riece-xemacs) ;;; riece-xemacs.el ends here