-*- mode:text; eval:(footnote-balloons) -*- Time-stamp: Introduction: ============ Here are the tools I use for package management on bastard. It is based _very_ heavily on the LFS hint: "More control and package management using package users (v1.2)" Which I have included in this repo (see LFS-pkgusr-hint.txt) and is considered essential reading. The main differences (enhancements?) these tools have over the original LFS hint are: o A set of convenience shell functions for pkg users, and a pseudo "master installer"[1] o Make it easy to give individual settings to each pkg user. For example, some pkg users may need ssh/gnupg or $DISPLAY set. o Better build script and .project templates o Better uninstall script. o Includes a `which' script. o Includes a `/bin/mail' script. o Includes a `lesspipe.sh' script (unashamedly stolen from Pat Volkerding and Slackware. Thanks, Pat!) o A more complete list of "install" directories. o Includes an elisp library that implements much of the convenience shell functions.[2] You should understand that not everything here can be used straight away. The /bin/mail script, for example, needs Zsh, and Sendmail installed (could probably be rewritten to use bash with very little effort); if you want to set yourself up as a "master installer", OpenSSL and OpenSSH are needed; and pkgusr.el needs SXEmacs (or XEmacs/Emacs) obviously. Pre-Installation: ================ The current version of the LFS book (Version SVN-20100919) is a little screwed up in one or two places, so BEFORE you move onto the chroot part of the deal you need to do a couple extra things: 1. Install bison, flex, nano, and less (in that order) into your /tools dir. Bison, and flex are needed to build binutils in the chroot. And nano and less make life for the package user so much easier. 2. At the point in the book where it has you mount the devpts filesystem, it neglects to mention that you have to specify a mode and gid: mount -vt devpts devpts ${LFS}/dev/pts -o gid=5,mode=620 3. When creating the initial /etc/group file, I don't use the LFS book suggestions. I have my own set groups that I've been using since 1995, and old habits are so hard to break. :-) IMPORTANT: Please note that my tty group has GID 5 and that group in the LFS book has GID 4... make sure you use the right gid= option when mounting your devpts. Anyhoo, here's my initial group file... cat>/etc/group<root->su->pkgusr from my personal A/C which is a single "step" (I'm not stopping in a root shell). [2] pkgusr.el is probably fairly SXEmacs-centric, but should work with perhaps minor changes on XEmacs or even GNU/Emacs.