;;; pprint.el --- A flexible Elisp pretty-printer ;; Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 David Ponce ;; Author: David Ponce ;; Maintainer: David Ponce ;; Created: 06 Mar 2002 ;; Keywords: lisp ;; X-RCS: $Id: pprint.el,v 1.1 2007-11-26 15:06:42 michaels Exp $ ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at ;; your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to ;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; pprint library provides a simple and flexible pretty-printer for ;; Elisp code. ;; ;; The core function `pprint-to-string' uses `prin1' to write into a ;; temporary buffer a "flat" representation of a given expression. ;; Then it walks over that linear form and inserts line breaks and ;; indentations to produce a pretty-printed representation of the ;; expression. ;; ;; The implementation uses a lot of inline functions to improve ;; performance. And, when byte-compiled, pprint is reasonably fast. ;; ;; pprint can handle specific expressions using adapted "printers". A ;; "printer" is a function that will be called to process a form that ;; match a regular expression. A number of "standard printers" are ;; predefined to pretty print common Elisp statements like `defun', ;; `defvar', `lambda', `let', `progn', `cond', `if', etc.. ;; ;; More "printers" should be provided in future versions ;-) ;; ;;; History: ;; ;;; Code: ;;;; ;;;; Printers management ;;;; (defvar pprint-standard-printers nil "The standard printers.") (defvar pprint-printers nil "The current printers. This is an alist which maps printers (functions) to matchers (regexps).") (defsubst pprint-clear-printers () "Clear the current defined printers." (setq pprint-printers nil)) (defun pprint-push-printer (printer matcher) "Push a new PRINTER on top of defined printers. MATCHER is a regexp matching expressions passed to PRINTER." (add-to-list 'pprint-printers (cons printer matcher))) (put 'pprint-push-printer 'lisp-indent-function 1) (defmacro pprint-with-printers (table &rest body) "Set up a copy of the TABLE of printers and evaluate BODY. The current table of printers is saved, BODY is evaluated, and the saved table is restored, even in case of an abnormal exit. Value is what BODY returns." (let ((old-table (make-symbol "old-table"))) `(let ((,old-table pprint-printers)) (unwind-protect (progn (setq pprint-printers (copy-sequence ,table)) ,@body) (setq pprint-printers ,old-table))))) (put 'pprint-with-printers 'lisp-indent-function 1) ;;;; ;;;; Core functions ;;;; (defvar pprint-min-width 20 "Minimum width required to prettify an expression. If current width is greater than this value, the pretty printer does nothing.") (defvar pprint-width) (defvar pprint-no-break) (defmacro pprint-no-break-p (&rest motions) "Return non-nil if executing MOTIONS don't break line." `(save-excursion (let ((p (point))) ,@motions (and (<= (current-column) pprint-width) (= (progn (beginning-of-line) (point)) (progn (goto-char p) (beginning-of-line) (point))))))) (defsubst pprint-maybe-newline-and-indent () "Insert a newline, then indent. Does nothing if point is before a close parenthesis character or already at the beginning of a line." (or (looking-at "\\s)") (save-excursion (skip-syntax-backward "-") (bolp)) (newline-and-indent))) (defsubst pprint-search-printer (table) "Search in TABLE for a printer to process expression at point. Return the first one that match expression at point or nil if not found." (while (and table (not (looking-at (cdar table)))) (setq table (cdr table))) (caar table)) (defsubst pprint-dispatch-printer () "Dispatch a printer to print current expression. Return non-nil if a printer was found." (let ((printer (pprint-search-printer pprint-printers))) (when printer (funcall printer) t))) (defsubst pprint-sexp-try (room) "Try to pretty print current expression. Return nil if the width needed to pretty print current expression goes beyond specified ROOM." (save-restriction (narrow-to-region (point) (progn (forward-sexp) (point))) (let* ((old-sexp (buffer-string)) (pprint-width room) (nobreak t)) (goto-char (point-min)) (pprint-sexp) (goto-char (point-min)) (end-of-line) (while (and (setq nobreak (<= (current-column) room)) (not (eobp))) (end-of-line 2)) (delete-region (point-min) (point-max)) (insert old-sexp) nobreak))) (defsubst pprint-close-list () "Built-in printer to process close parenthesis characters." (up-list 1)) (defsubst pprint-nil-as-list () "If next s-expression is the nil symbol print it as (). Return non-nil if nil has been found and printed." (skip-syntax-forward "-'") (when (looking-at "\\") (delete-region (point) (save-excursion (forward-sexp) (point))) (insert "()") t)) (defsubst pprint-list () "Built-in list printer." (down-list 1) (pprint-sexp t) ;; never break after an open paren (let* ((room (- pprint-width (current-column))) (nobreak (>= room pprint-min-width))) (save-excursion (while (and nobreak (not (looking-at "\\s)"))) (setq nobreak (pprint-sexp-try room)))) (or nobreak (pprint-maybe-newline-and-indent)) (while (not (looking-at "\\s)")) (pprint-sexp nobreak) (setq nobreak nil))) (pprint-close-list)) (defsubst pprint-sequence () "Built-in printer of a sequence of expressions. Insert a line break before each expression." (while (not (looking-at "\\s)")) (pprint-maybe-newline-and-indent) (pprint-sexp))) (defun pprint-sexp (&optional pprint-no-break) "Pretty print S-expression at point. If optional argument PPRINT-NO-BREAK is non-nil the pretty-printed representation will not start on a new line." (if (or (> pprint-min-width pprint-width) (pprint-no-break-p (forward-sexp))) (forward-sexp) (or pprint-no-break (pprint-maybe-newline-and-indent)) (let ((old-mark (copy-marker (mark-marker)))) (set-marker (mark-marker) (save-excursion (forward-sexp) (point))) (while (< (point) (marker-position (mark-marker))) (skip-syntax-forward "-'") (cond ((pprint-no-break-p (forward-sexp)) (forward-sexp)) ((pprint-dispatch-printer)) ((looking-at "\\s(") (pprint-list)) ((looking-at "\\s)") (pprint-close-list)) (t (forward-sexp))) ) (set-marker (mark-marker) (marker-position old-mark)) (set-marker old-mark nil)))) ;;;; ;;;; Standard printers ;;;; (defun pprint-lambda () "Standard printer for `lambda' like forms." (down-list 1) (forward-sexp) ;; Print empty args as () instead of nil (or (pprint-nil-as-list) (pprint-sexp t)) (pprint-sequence) (pprint-close-list)) (defun pprint-defun () "Standard printer for `defun' like forms." (pprint-maybe-newline-and-indent) (down-list 1) (forward-sexp) (forward-sexp) ;; Print empty args as () instead of nil (or (pprint-nil-as-list) (pprint-sexp t)) (pprint-sequence) (pprint-close-list)) (defun pprint-defvar () "Standard printer for `defvar' like forms." (pprint-maybe-newline-and-indent) (down-list 1) (forward-sexp) (unless (looking-at "\\s)") (pprint-sexp) (unless (looking-at "\\s)") (pprint-sexp) (pprint-sequence))) (pprint-close-list)) (defun pprint-let () "Standard printer for `let' like forms." (down-list 1) (forward-sexp) (skip-syntax-forward "-'") (if (looking-at "\\s(") (progn (down-list 1) (skip-syntax-forward "-'") (unless (looking-at "\\s)") (pprint-sexp t) (pprint-sequence)) (pprint-close-list)) ;; Print empty let binding as () instead of nil (or (pprint-nil-as-list) (pprint-sexp t))) (pprint-maybe-newline-and-indent) (pprint-sequence) (pprint-close-list)) (defun pprint-if () "Standard printer for `if' like forms." (down-list 1) (forward-sexp) (pprint-sexp t) (pprint-maybe-newline-and-indent) (pprint-sexp) (pprint-sequence) (pprint-close-list)) (defun pprint-while () "Standard printer for `while' like forms." (down-list 1) (forward-sexp) (pprint-sexp t) (pprint-sequence) (pprint-close-list)) (defun pprint-progn () "Standard printer for `progn' like forms." (down-list 1) (forward-sexp) (pprint-sequence) (pprint-close-list)) (defun pprint-setq () "Standard printer for `setq' like forms." (down-list 1) (forward-sexp) (forward-sexp) ;; 1rst VAR (pprint-sexp t) ;; 1rst VAL (while (not (looking-at "\\s)")) (pprint-maybe-newline-and-indent) (forward-sexp) ;; VAR (pprint-sexp t)) ;; VAL (pprint-close-list)) (defun pprint-cond () "Standard printer for `cond' like forms." (down-list 1) (forward-sexp) (while (not (looking-at "\\s)")) (pprint-maybe-newline-and-indent) (down-list 1) (pprint-sexp t) (pprint-sequence) (pprint-close-list)) (pprint-close-list)) (defun pprint-with () "Standard printer for `with-' like forms." (let* ((withfun (intern-soft (match-string 1))) (nobreak (or (get withfun 'lisp-indent-function) 0))) (down-list 1) (forward-sexp) (while (> nobreak 0) (pprint-sexp t) (setq nobreak (1- nobreak))) (pprint-sequence) (pprint-close-list))) (defun pprint-setup-standard-printers () "Setup standard printers." (pprint-clear-printers) ;; Printers are searched in sequence from last to first pushed one. ;; So it could be important to push the most generic printers first! (pprint-push-printer 'pprint-with (format "(%s\\>" "\\(with[-]\\(\\sw\\|\\s_\\)+\\)" )) (pprint-push-printer 'pprint-defun (format "(%s\\>" (regexp-opt '( "defun" "defmacro" "defsubst" ) t))) (pprint-push-printer 'pprint-lambda (format "(%s\\>" (regexp-opt '( "lambda" ) t))) (pprint-push-printer 'pprint-defvar (format "(%s\\>" (regexp-opt '( "defvar" "defconst" ) t))) (pprint-push-printer 'pprint-let (format "(%s\\>" (regexp-opt '( "let" "let*" ) t))) (pprint-push-printer 'pprint-if (format "(%s\\>" (regexp-opt '( "if" ) t))) (pprint-push-printer 'pprint-while (format "(%s\\>" (regexp-opt '( "while" "when" "unless" "condition-case" "catch" "dotimes" ) t))) (pprint-push-printer 'pprint-cond (format "(%s\\>" (regexp-opt '( "cond" ) t))) (pprint-push-printer 'pprint-progn (format "(%s\\>" (regexp-opt '( "prog1" "progn" "save-excursion" "save-restriction" "unwind-protect" ) t))) (pprint-push-printer 'pprint-setq (format "(%s\\>" (regexp-opt '( "setq" ) t))) (setq pprint-standard-printers pprint-printers)) (pprint-setup-standard-printers) ;;;; ;;;; User's functions & commands ;;;; ;;;###autoload (defun pprint-to-string (object &optional width) "Return a string containing the pretty-printed representation of OBJECT. OBJECT can be any Lisp object. Quoting characters are used as needed to make output that `read' can handle, whenever this is possible. The pretty printer try as much as possible to limit the length of lines to given WIDTH. WIDTH value defaults to `fill-column'." (with-temp-buffer (lisp-mode-variables nil) (set-syntax-table emacs-lisp-mode-syntax-table) (let ((print-escape-newlines nil) (print-quoted t)) (prin1 object (current-buffer))) (goto-char (point-min)) ;; Escape "(" at beginning of line. Can only occur in strings. (when (looking-at "\\s(") (down-list 1) (while (re-search-forward "^\\s(" nil t) (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (insert "\\"))) (goto-char (point-min)) (let* ((pprint-width (or width fill-column)) (zmacs-regions nil) ;; XEmacs (inhibit-modification-hooks t)) ;; Emacs (pprint-sexp)) (buffer-string))) ;;;###autoload (defun pprint (object &optional stream width) "Output the pretty-printed representation of OBJECT, any Lisp object. Quoting characters are printed as needed to make output that `read' can handle, whenever this is possible. Output stream is STREAM, or value of `standard-output' (which see). The pretty printer try as much as possible to limit the length of lines to given WIDTH. WIDTH value defaults to `fill-column'." (princ (pprint-to-string object width) (or stream standard-output))) ;;;###autoload (defun pprint-function (function-name) "See a pretty-printed representation of FUNCTION-NAME." (interactive "aPretty print function: ") (let ((code (symbol-function function-name))) (if (byte-code-function-p code) (error "Can't pretty-print a byte compiled function")) (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create (format "*pprint-function %s*" function-name)) (erase-buffer) (emacs-lisp-mode) (pprint code (current-buffer)) (goto-char (point-min)) (pop-to-buffer (current-buffer))))) (provide 'pprint) ;;; pprint.el ends here