***** latin-unity Last-modified: 2002 October 22 Mule bogusly considers the various ISO-8859 extended character sets as disjoint, when ISO 8859 itself clearly considers them to be subsets of a larger character set. For example, all of the Latin character sets include NO-BREAK SPACE at code point 32 (ie, 0xA0 in an 8-bit code), but the Latin-1 and Latin-2 NO-BREAK SPACE characters are considered to be different by Mule, an obvious absurdity. This package provides functions which determine the list of coding systems which can encode all of the characters in the buffer, and translate to a common coding system if possible. ***** Basic usage: To set up the package, simply put (latin-unity-install) in your init file. ***** Availability: anonymous CVS: Get the latin-unity module and build as usual. WWW: ftp://ftp.xemacs.org/pub/xemacs/packages/latin-unity-VERSION-pkg.tar.gz ***** Features: o If a buffer contains only ASCII and ISO-8859 Latin characters, the buffer can be "unified", that is treated so that all characters are translated to one charset that includes them all. If the current buffer coding system is not sufficient, the package will suggest alternatives. It prefers ISO-8859 encodings, but also suggests UTF-8 (if available; 21.4+ feature, currently requires Mule-UCS for 21.4 versions), ISO 2022 7-bit, or X Compound Text if no ISO 8859 coding system is comprehensive enough. It allows the user to use other coding systems, and the list of suggested coding systems is Customizable. latin-unity will automatically adjust buffer-file-coding-system to the user's choice, on a Customizable basis. Optionally checks -*- coding: codesys -*- cookies for consistency. This only works for Emacs coding cookies; doesn't handle encoding attributes in XML declarations or HTML META tags yet. This probably also is useful out of the box if the buffer contains non-Latin characters in addition to a mixture of Latin characters. For example, it would reduce a buffer originally encoded in ISO-2022-JP (including Latin-1 characters) to ISO 8859/1 if all the Japanese were deleted. (untested) o ISO 8859/13 for XEmacs 21.4 and 21.1 (both untested). To get 'iso-8859-13 preferred to 'iso-8859-1 in autodetection, use (set-coding-category-system 'iso-8-1 'iso-8859-13). (untested) Alternatively set language environment to Latin-7. If all you want is ISO 8859/13 support, you can `(require 'latin-unity-latin7)' and `(require 'latin-latin7-input)', and not do `(latin-unity-install)'. o ISO 8859/14 for XEmacs 21.4 and 21.1 (both untested). To get 'iso-8859-14 preferred to 'iso-8859-1 in autodetection, use (set-coding-category-system 'iso-8-1 'iso-8859-14). (untested) Alternatively set language environment to Latin-8. If all you want is ISO 8859/14 support, you can `(require 'latin-unity-latin8)', and not do `(latin-unity-install)'. Latin-8 does not yet have an input method. o ISO 8859/15 for XEmacs 21.4 (moderately tested) and 21.1 (lightly tested), including binding the EuroSign keysym to ISO 8859/15 0xA4 (as well as the other "new" keysyms needed for ISO 8859/15). To get 'iso-8859-15 preferred to 'iso-8859-1 in autodetection, use (set-coding-category-system 'iso-8-1 'iso-8859-15). (untested) Alternatively set language environment to Latin-9. If all you want is ISO 8859/15 support, you can `(require 'latin-unity-latin9)' and `(require 'latin-euro-input)', and not do `(latin-unity-install)'. o ISO 8859/16 for XEmacs 21.4 and 21.1 (both untested). To get 'iso-8859-16 preferred to 'iso-8859-1 in autodetection, use (set-coding-category-system 'iso-8-1 'iso-8859-16). (untested) Alternatively set language environment to Latin-10. If all you want is ISO 8859/16 support, you can `(require 'latin-unity-latin10)', and not do `(latin-unity-install)'. Latin-10 does not yet have an input method. o Hooks into `write-region' to prevent (or at least drastically reduce the probability of) introduction of ISO 2022 escape sequences for "foreign" character sets. This hook is not set by default in this package yet; try M-x latin-unity-example RET for a short introduction and some useful C-x C-e'able exprs. This may permit us to turn off support for those sequences entirely in our ISO 8859 coding-systems. o Interactive functions to _remap_ a region between character sets (preserving character identity) and _recode_ a region (preserving the code point). The former is probably not useful if the automatic function is working at all, but provided for completeness. The latter is useful if Mule mistakenly reads an ISO 8859/2 file as ISO 8859/1; you can change it without rereading the file. Since it's region-oriented, you can also deal with cut and paste from dumb applications that export everything as ISO 8859/1. o A nearly comprehensive Texinfo manual contains a discussion of why these things happen, why they can't be 100% avoided in an 8-bit world, and some defensive measures users can take, as well as the usual install, configure, and operating instructions. o latin-unity itself depends only on mule-base in operation. Table generation depends on Unicode support such as Mule-UCS or XEmacs >= 21.5.6, and the package build currently requires Mule-UCS. The input method depends on LEIM and fsf-compat. Current misfeatures: o Needs to be refactored so that automatic tests of functionality currently buried in interactive functions can be written. See comment on `latin-unity-sanity-check'. o Doesn't automatically save pure ASCII files in ASCII superset encodings like iso-2022-jp. Workaround: put an ISO 8859 coding system in `latin-unity-preapproved-coding-system-list'. o Need `(require 'latin-euro-input)' to get Quail support. o Possible performance hit on large (> 20kB) buffers with many (>20%) non-ASCII characters. Partially optimized, but see near `latin-unity-region-representations-feasible-region' in latin-unity.el for possible further optimizations. o Package depends on Mule-UCS, LEIM (Quail), and fsf-compat. o This README is too long. o Must load latin-unity-vars before reading a file with ISO 8859/15, there is no way to autoload a charset. (Can't be fixed without changing XEmacs core.) Planned, sooner or later: o Fix the misfeatures. o Fix JIS Roman (as an alternative to ASCII) support. o More UI features (like highlighting unrepresentable chars in buffer). o Integration to development tree (but probably not 21.4, this package should be good enough). o Hook into MUAs. o GNU Emacs support. o Add coding-system and charset widgets for Customization. The :set functions should do sanity and cross checks. Not planned any time soon: o Extend to process buffers in some way, which looks very hard. o Han-unity. This is not entirely analogous to Latin unity, and needs to be treated very carefully. ***** Implementation: latin-unity.el is the main library, providing the detection and translation functionality, including a hook function to hang on `write-region-pre-hook'. latin-unity-vars.el contains the definition of variables common to several modules. latin-unity-latin7.el defines ISO 8859/13 and the Latin-7 environment. latin-latin7-input.el contains a Quail input method for Latin 7. latin-unity-latin8.el defines ISO 8859/14 and the Latin-8 environment. latin-unity-latin9.el defines ISO 8859/15 and the Latin-9 environment. latin-euro-input.el contains Dave Love's Quail input method for Latin 9. latin-unity-latin10.el defines ISO 8859/16 and the Latin-10 environment. (Latin-8 and Latin-10 do not have input methods yet.) latin-unity-tables.el contains the table of feasible character sets and equivalent Mule characters from other character sets for the various Mule representations of each character. Automatically generated. Used only when Unicode support is not present. latin-unity-utils.el contains utilities for creating the equivalence table, and dumping it to a file. Used in preference to the precomputed table when Unicode support is available. latin-unity-tests.el contains a (very incomplete) test suite using Martin Buchholz's test-harness.el (distributed in the core in tests/automated).