// -*- qml -*- /*! * This file is part of CameraPlus. * * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Mohammed Sameer * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ import QtQuick 2.0 import QtCamera 1.0 import CameraPlus 1.0 // TODO: flash not ready (battery low or flash not ready message) // TODO: Sounds // TODO: N950 conf CameraPage { id: root property bool deviceChangeInProgress: false property bool inCaptureMode: mainView.currentIndex == 1 property Item dimmer: camDimmer CameraTheme { id: cameraTheme } VisualItemModel { id: mainModel Loader { id: settingsLoader width: mainView.width height: mainView.height property bool pressed: false property bool inhibitDim: false property int policyMode: settings.mode == Camera.VideoMode ? CameraResources.Video : CameraResources.Image opacity: item ? 1.0 : 0 Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation {duration: 200} } } CameraView { id: viewfinder width: mainView.width height: mainView.height } Loader { id: postCaptureLoader property bool pressed: item ? item.pressed : false property bool inhibitDim: item ? item.inhibitDim : false property int policyMode: item ? item.policyMode : settings.mode == Camera.VideoMode ? CameraResources.Video : CameraResources.Image width: mainView.width height: mainView.height opacity: item ? 1.0 : 0 Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation {duration: 200} } } } ListView { id: mainView LayoutMirroring.enabled: false anchors.fill: parent orientation: ListView.Horizontal model: mainModel snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds currentIndex: 1 interactive: !currentItem.pressed onContentXChanged: { if (contentX == 0) { settingsLoader.source = Qt.resolvedUrl("SettingsView.qml") } else if (contentX == width) { settingsLoader.source = "" postCaptureLoader.source = "" } else if (contentX == width * 2) { postCaptureLoader.source = Qt.resolvedUrl("PostCaptureView.qml") } } } Component.onCompleted: { platformSettings.init() root.resetCamera(settings.device, settings.mode) } PlatformSettings { id: platformSettings } Settings { id: settings onDeviceAboutToChange: { root.deviceChangeInProgress = true } onDeviceChanged: { viewfinder.cameraDeviceChanged() // Reset pipeline manager error pipelineManager.error = false if (root.resetCamera(settings.device, settings.mode)) { root.deviceChangeInProgress = false pipelineManager.startCamera() } } onImageAspectRatioChanged: { if (!root.deviceChangeInProgress) { imageSettings.setImageResolution() } } onImageResolutionChanged: { if (!root.deviceChangeInProgress) { imageSettings.setImageResolution() } } onVideoResolutionChanged: { if (!root.deviceChangeInProgress) { videoSettings.setVideoResolution() } } } PipelineManager { id: pipelineManager camera: viewfinder.camera currentItem: mainView.currentItem } function resetCamera(deviceId, mode) { if (!viewfinder.camera.reset(deviceId, mode)) { showError(qsTr("Failed to set camera device and mode. Please restart the application.")) return false } if (mode == Camera.ImageMode) { imageSettings.setImageResolution() } else if (mode == Camera.VideoMode) { videoSettings.setVideoResolution() } return true } function showError(msg) { error.text = msg error.show() } PlatformQuirks { id: platformQuirks } DisplayState { id: displayState inhibitDim: mainView.currentItem != null ? mainView.currentItem.inhibitDim : false } CameraPositionSource { id: positionSource active: (viewfinder.camera.running || platformQuirks.forceOn) && settings.useGps && displayState.isOn onPositionChanged: geocode.search(position.coordinate.longitude, position.coordinate.latitude) } MetaData { id: metaData camera: viewfinder.camera manufacturer: deviceInfo.manufacturer model: deviceInfo.model country: geocode.country city: geocode.city suburb: geocode.suburb longitude: positionSource.longitude longitudeValid: positionSource.longitudeValid && settings.useGps latitude: positionSource.latitude latitudeValid: positionSource.latitudeValid && settings.useGps elevation: positionSource.altitude elevationValid: positionSource.altitudeValid && settings.useGps orientation: orientation.orientation artist: settings.creatorName captureDirection: compass.direction captureDirectionValid: compass.directionValid horizontalError: positionSource.horizontalAccuracy horizontalErrorValid: positionSource.horizontalAccuracyValid && settings.useGps dateTimeEnabled: true } CameraOrientation { id: orientation active: viewfinder.camera.running || (mainView.currentIndex == 2 && Qt.application.active) } CameraCompass { id: compass active: viewfinder.camera.running } ReverseGeocode { id: geocode active: (viewfinder.camera.running || platformQuirks.forceOn) && settings.useGps && settings.useGeotags && displayState.isOn } DeviceInfo { id: deviceInfo } FSMonitor { id: fileSystem } CameraInfoBanner { id: error } FileNaming { id: fileNaming imageSuffix: viewfinder.camera.imageSuffix videoSuffix: viewfinder.camera.videoSuffix imagePath: platformSettings.imagePath videoPath: platformSettings.videoPath temporaryVideoPath: platformSettings.temporaryVideoPath settings: settings } MountProtector { id: mountProtector } TrackerStore { id: trackerStore active: viewfinder.camera.running manufacturer: deviceInfo.manufacturer model: deviceInfo.model } ImageSettings { id: imageSettings camera: viewfinder.camera function setImageResolution() { if (!imageSettings.setResolution(settings.imageAspectRatio, settings.imageResolution)) { showError(qsTr("Failed to set required resolution")) } } } VideoSettings { id: videoSettings camera: viewfinder.camera function setVideoResolution() { if (!videoSettings.setResolution(settings.videoAspectRatio, settings.videoResolution)) { showError(qsTr("Failed to set required resolution")) } } } ModeController { id: cameraMode cam: viewfinder.camera dimmer: root.dimmer } Rectangle { property bool dimmed: false id: camDimmer z: 1 anchors.fill: parent opacity: dimmed ? 1.0 : 0.0 color: "black" Behavior on opacity { PropertyAnimation { duration: 150 } } } DeviceKeys { id: keys active: Qt.application.active && pipelineManager.scaleAcquired && root.inCaptureMode && !mainView.moving repeat: !settings.zoomAsShutter } Timer { id: proximityTimer running: proximitySensor.close repeat: false interval: 500 onTriggered: { if (proximitySensor.close) { proximitySensor.sensorClosed = true } } } CameraProximitySensor { id: proximitySensor property bool sensorClosed: false active: Qt.application.active && viewfinder.camera.running && settings.proximityAsShutter && root.inCaptureMode && !mainView.moving onCloseChanged: { if (!close) { sensorClosed = false } } } Standby { policyLost: pipelineManager.state == "policyLost" show: !Qt.application.active || pipelineManager.showStandBy || (inCaptureMode && !viewfinder.camera.running) } }