;;; messagexmas.el --- XEmacs extensions to message ;; Copyright (C) 1996-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen ;; Keywords: mail, news ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;;; Code: (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) (require 'nnheader) (defvar message-xmas-dont-activate-region t "If t, don't activate region after yanking.") (defvar message-xmas-glyph-directory nil "*Directory where Message logos and icons are located. If this variable is nil, Message will try to locate the directory automatically.") (defvar message-use-toolbar (if (featurep 'toolbar) 'default) "*Position to display the toolbar. Nil means do not use a toolbar. If it is non-nil, it should be one of the symbols `default', `top', `bottom', `right', and `left'. `default' means to use the default toolbar, the rest mean to display the toolbar on the place which those names show.") (defvar message-toolbar-thickness (if (featurep 'toolbar) (cons (specifier-instance default-toolbar-height) (specifier-instance default-toolbar-width))) "*Cons of the height and the width specifying the thickness of a toolbar. The height is used for the toolbar displayed on the top or the bottom, the width is used for the toolbar displayed on the right or the left.") (defvar message-toolbar '([message-spell ispell-message t "Spell"] [message-help (Info-goto-node "(Message)Top") t "Message help"]) "The message buffer toolbar.") (defun message-xmas-find-glyph-directory (&optional package) (setq package (or package "message")) (let ((dir (symbol-value (intern-soft (concat package "-xmas-glyph-directory"))))) (if (and (stringp dir) (file-directory-p dir)) dir (nnheader-find-etc-directory package)))) (defun message-xmas-setup-toolbar (bar &optional force package) (let ((dir (or (message-xmas-find-glyph-directory package) (message-xmas-find-glyph-directory "gnus"))) (xpm (if (featurep 'xpm) "xpm" "xbm")) icon up down disabled name) (unless package (setq message-xmas-glyph-directory dir)) (when dir (while bar (setq icon (aref (car bar) 0) name (symbol-name icon) bar (cdr bar)) (when (or force (not (boundp icon))) (setq up (concat dir name "-up." xpm)) (setq down (concat dir name "-down." xpm)) (setq disabled (concat dir name "-disabled." xpm)) (if (not (file-exists-p up)) (setq bar nil dir nil) (set icon (toolbar-make-button-list up (and (file-exists-p down) down) (and (file-exists-p disabled) disabled))))))) dir)) (defun message-setup-toolbar () (when (featurep 'toolbar) (if (and message-use-toolbar (message-xmas-setup-toolbar message-toolbar)) (let ((bar (or (intern-soft (format "%s-toolbar" message-use-toolbar)) 'default-toolbar)) (height (car message-toolbar-thickness)) (width (cdr message-toolbar-thickness)) (cur (current-buffer)) bars) (set-specifier (symbol-value bar) message-toolbar cur) (set-specifier default-toolbar-height height cur) (set-specifier default-toolbar-width width cur) (set-specifier top-toolbar-height height cur) (set-specifier bottom-toolbar-height height cur) (set-specifier right-toolbar-width width cur) (set-specifier left-toolbar-width width cur) (if (eq bar 'default-toolbar) (progn (remove-specifier default-toolbar-visible-p cur) (remove-specifier top-toolbar cur) (remove-specifier top-toolbar-visible-p cur) (remove-specifier bottom-toolbar cur) (remove-specifier bottom-toolbar-visible-p cur) (remove-specifier right-toolbar cur) (remove-specifier right-toolbar-visible-p cur) (remove-specifier left-toolbar cur) (remove-specifier left-toolbar-visible-p cur)) (set-specifier (symbol-value (intern (format "%s-visible-p" bar))) t cur) (setq bars (delq bar (list 'default-toolbar 'bottom-toolbar 'top-toolbar 'right-toolbar 'left-toolbar))) (while bars (set-specifier (symbol-value (intern (format "%s-visible-p" (pop bars)))) nil cur)))) (let ((cur (current-buffer))) (set-specifier default-toolbar-visible-p nil cur) (set-specifier top-toolbar-visible-p nil cur) (set-specifier bottom-toolbar-visible-p nil cur) (set-specifier right-toolbar-visible-p nil cur) (set-specifier left-toolbar-visible-p nil cur))))) (defun message-xmas-exchange-point-and-mark () "Exchange point and mark, but allow for XEmacs' optional argument." (exchange-point-and-mark message-xmas-dont-activate-region)) (defun message-xmas-maybe-fontify () (when (featurep 'font-lock) (font-lock-set-defaults))) (defun message-xmas-make-caesar-translation-table (n) "Create a rot table with offset N." (let ((i -1) (table (make-string 256 0)) (a (mm-char-int ?a)) (A (mm-char-int ?A))) (while (< (incf i) 256) (aset table i i)) (concat (substring table 0 A) (substring table (+ A n) (+ A n (- 26 n))) (substring table A (+ A n)) (substring table (+ A 26) a) (substring table (+ a n) (+ a n (- 26 n))) (substring table a (+ a n)) (substring table (+ a 26) 255)))) (defun message-xmas-make-date (&optional now) "Make a valid data header. If NOW, use that time instead." (let ((zone (car (current-time-zone))) sign) (if (>= zone 0) (setq sign "+") (setq sign "-" zone (- zone))) (format "%s %s%02d%02d" (format-time-string "%a, %d %b %Y %T" now) sign (/ zone 3600) (/ (% zone 3600) 60)))) (add-hook 'message-mode-hook 'message-xmas-maybe-fontify) (defun message-xmas-redefine () "Redefine message functions for XEmacs." (defalias 'message-exchange-point-and-mark 'message-xmas-exchange-point-and-mark) (defalias 'message-mark-active-p 'region-exists-p) (defalias 'message-make-caesar-translation-table 'message-xmas-make-caesar-translation-table) (defalias 'message-make-overlay 'make-extent) (defalias 'message-delete-overlay 'delete-extent) (defalias 'message-overlay-put 'set-extent-property) (defalias 'message-make-date 'message-xmas-make-date)) (message-xmas-redefine) (provide 'messagexmas) ;;; messagexmas.el ends here