;;; gnus-ems.el --- functions for making Gnus work under different Emacsen ;; Copyright (C) 1995-2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen ;; Keywords: news ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;;; Code: (eval-when-compile (require 'cl) (require 'ring)) ;;; Function aliases later to be redefined for XEmacs usage. (defvar gnus-mouse-2 [mouse-2]) (defvar gnus-down-mouse-3 [down-mouse-3]) (defvar gnus-down-mouse-2 [down-mouse-2]) (defvar gnus-widget-button-keymap nil) (defvar gnus-mode-line-modified (if (featurep 'xemacs) '("--**-" . "-----") '("**" "--"))) (eval-and-compile (autoload 'gnus-xmas-define "gnus-xmas") (autoload 'gnus-xmas-redefine "gnus-xmas")) (autoload 'gnus-get-buffer-create "gnus") (autoload 'nnheader-find-etc-directory "nnheader") (autoload 'smiley-region "smiley") (defun gnus-kill-all-overlays () "Delete all overlays in the current buffer." (let* ((overlayss (overlay-lists)) (buffer-read-only nil) (overlays (delq nil (nconc (car overlayss) (cdr overlayss))))) (while overlays (delete-overlay (pop overlays))))) ;;; Mule functions. (defun gnus-mule-max-width-function (el max-width) `(let* ((val (eval (, el))) (valstr (if (numberp val) (int-to-string val) val))) (if (> (length valstr) ,max-width) (truncate-string-to-width valstr ,max-width) valstr))) (eval-and-compile (if (featurep 'xemacs) (gnus-xmas-define) (defvar gnus-mouse-face-prop 'mouse-face "Property used for highlighting mouse regions."))) (defvar gnus-tmp-unread) (defvar gnus-tmp-replied) (defvar gnus-tmp-score-char) (defvar gnus-tmp-indentation) (defvar gnus-tmp-opening-bracket) (defvar gnus-tmp-lines) (defvar gnus-tmp-name) (defvar gnus-tmp-closing-bracket) (defvar gnus-tmp-subject-or-nil) (defvar gnus-check-before-posting) (defvar gnus-mouse-face) (defvar gnus-group-buffer) (defun gnus-ems-redefine () (cond ((featurep 'xemacs) (gnus-xmas-redefine)) ((featurep 'mule) ;; Mule and new Emacs definitions ;; [Note] Now there are three kinds of mule implementations, ;; original MULE, XEmacs/mule and Emacs 20+ including ;; MULE features. Unfortunately these APIs are different. In ;; particular, Emacs (including original Mule) and XEmacs are ;; quite different. However, this version of Gnus doesn't support ;; anything other than XEmacs 20+ and Emacs 20.3+. ;; Predicates to check are following: ;; (boundp 'MULE) is t only if Mule (original; anything older than ;; Mule 2.3) is running. ;; (featurep 'mule) is t when other mule variants are running. ;; It is possible to detect XEmacs/mule by (featurep 'mule) and ;; (featurep 'xemacs). In this case, the implementation for ;; XEmacs/mule may be shareable between XEmacs and XEmacs/mule. (defvar gnus-summary-display-table nil "Display table used in summary mode buffers.") (defalias 'gnus-max-width-function 'gnus-mule-max-width-function) (when (boundp 'gnus-check-before-posting) (setq gnus-check-before-posting (delq 'long-lines (delq 'control-chars gnus-check-before-posting)))) (defun gnus-summary-line-format-spec () (insert gnus-tmp-unread gnus-tmp-replied gnus-tmp-score-char gnus-tmp-indentation) (put-text-property (point) (progn (insert gnus-tmp-opening-bracket (format "%4d: %-20s" gnus-tmp-lines (if (> (length gnus-tmp-name) 20) (truncate-string-to-width gnus-tmp-name 20) gnus-tmp-name)) gnus-tmp-closing-bracket) (point)) gnus-mouse-face-prop gnus-mouse-face) (insert " " gnus-tmp-subject-or-nil "\n"))))) ;; Clone of `appt-select-lowest-window' in appt.el. (defun gnus-select-lowest-window () "Select the lowest window on the frame." (let ((lowest-window (selected-window)) (bottom-edge (nth 3 (window-edges)))) (walk-windows (lambda (w) (let ((next-bottom-edge (nth 3 (window-edges w)))) (when (< bottom-edge next-bottom-edge) (setq bottom-edge next-bottom-edge lowest-window w))))) (select-window lowest-window))) (defun gnus-region-active-p () "Say whether the region is active." (and (boundp 'transient-mark-mode) transient-mark-mode (boundp 'mark-active) mark-active)) (defun gnus-mark-active-p () "Non-nil means the mark and region are currently active in this buffer." mark-active) ; aliased to region-exists-p in XEmacs. (autoload 'gnus-alive-p "gnus-util") (autoload 'mm-disable-multibyte "mm-util") ;;; Image functions. (defun gnus-image-type-available-p (type) (and (fboundp 'image-type-available-p) (if (fboundp 'display-images-p) (display-images-p) t) (image-type-available-p type))) (defun gnus-create-image (file &optional type data-p &rest props) (let ((face (plist-get props :face))) (when face (setq props (plist-put props :foreground (face-foreground face))) (setq props (plist-put props :background (face-background face)))) (ignore-errors (apply 'create-image file type data-p props)))) (defun gnus-put-image (glyph &optional string category) (let ((point (point))) (insert-image glyph (or string " ")) (put-text-property point (point) 'gnus-image-category category) (unless string (put-text-property (1- (point)) (point) 'gnus-image-text-deletable t)) glyph)) (defun gnus-remove-image (image &optional category) "Remove the image matching IMAGE and CATEGORY found first." (let ((start (point-min)) val end) (while (and (not end) (or (setq val (get-text-property start 'display)) (and (setq start (next-single-property-change start 'display)) (setq val (get-text-property start 'display))))) (setq end (or (next-single-property-change start 'display) (point-max))) (if (and (equal val image) (equal (get-text-property start 'gnus-image-category) category)) (progn (put-text-property start end 'display nil) (when (get-text-property start 'gnus-image-text-deletable) (delete-region start end))) (unless (= end (point-max)) (setq start end end nil)))))) (defmacro gnus-string-mark-left-to-right (string) (if (fboundp 'bidi-string-mark-left-to-right) `(bidi-string-mark-left-to-right ,string) string)) (eval-and-compile ;; XEmacs does not have window-inside-pixel-edges (defalias 'gnus-window-inside-pixel-edges (if (fboundp 'window-inside-pixel-edges) 'window-inside-pixel-edges 'window-pixel-edges)) (if (or (featurep 'emacs) (fboundp 'set-process-plist)) (progn ; these exist since Emacs 22.1 (defalias 'gnus-set-process-plist 'set-process-plist) (defalias 'gnus-process-plist 'process-plist) (defalias 'gnus-process-get 'process-get) (defalias 'gnus-process-put 'process-put)) (defun gnus-set-process-plist (process plist) "Replace the plist of PROCESS with PLIST. Returns PLIST." (put 'gnus-process-plist-internal process plist)) (defun gnus-process-plist (process) "Return the plist of PROCESS." ;; This form works but can't prevent the plist data from ;; growing infinitely. ;;(get 'gnus-process-plist-internal process) (let* ((plist (symbol-plist 'gnus-process-plist-internal)) (tem (memq process plist))) (prog1 (cadr tem) ;; Remove it from the plist data. (when tem (if (eq plist tem) (progn (setcar plist (caddr plist)) (setcdr plist (or (cdddr plist) '(nil)))) (setcdr (nthcdr (- (length plist) (length tem) 1) plist) (cddr tem))))))) (defun gnus-process-get (process propname) "Return the value of PROCESS' PROPNAME property. This is the last value stored with `(gnus-process-put PROCESS PROPNAME VALUE)'." (plist-get (gnus-process-plist process) propname)) (defun gnus-process-put (process propname value) "Change PROCESS' PROPNAME property to VALUE. It can be retrieved with `(gnus-process-get PROCESS PROPNAME)'." (gnus-set-process-plist process (plist-put (gnus-process-plist process) propname value))))) (provide 'gnus-ems) ;;; gnus-ems.el ends here