;;; smime-card.el --- Make smime.el work with card readers ;; Copyright (C) 2005 Brailcom, o.p.s. ;; Author: Milan Zamazal ;; COPYRIGHT NOTICE ;; ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free ;; Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ;; version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY ;; or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License ;; for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ;;; Commentary: ;; This is a simple wrapper around smime.el allowing to use private keys stored ;; on a smard card. ;; ;; To use it, just put (require 'smime-card) to you Emacs startup file and ;; customize the variable `smime-card-file-keys'. ;;; Code: (require 'smime) ;;; Configuration (defcustom smime-card-file-keys '() "Alist of certificate files and their corresponding private key card ids. Each element of the list is of the form (FILE . KEY-ID), where FILE is a certificate file stored on a regular file system and KEY-ID is the identifier of the corresponding private key stored on the card. If FILE begins with the prefix `card:', the certificate is retrieved from the card under the id following the `card:' prefix in FILE." :type '(alist :key-type (file :tag "Certificate file") :value-type (string :tag "Key identifier")) :group 'smime) (defcustom smime-card-fetch-certificates nil "If non-nil, fetch certificates from the card before verifying messages." :type 'boolean :group 'smime) ;;; Internals (defvar smime-card-key nil) (defun smime-card-key (keyfile) (cdr (assoc keyfile smime-card-file-keys))) (defvar smime-card-engine-command "engine dynamic -pre SO_PATH:/usr/lib/opensc/engine_pkcs11.so -pre ID:pkcs11 -pre LIST_ADD:1 -pre LOAD\n") (defvar smime-card-process-output "") (defun smime-card-process-filter (process string) (setq smime-card-process-output (concat smime-card-process-output string))) (defun smime-card-wait-for-prompt (process) (while (not (string-match "\\(OpenSSL> \\|PIN: \\)$" smime-card-process-output)) (unless (accept-process-output process 5) (message "OpenSSL: Timeout") (throw 'error nil))) (prog1 (if (string= (match-string 1 smime-card-process-output) "PIN: ") 'pin t) (setq smime-card-process-output ""))) (defun smime-card-call-openssl-region (b e buf &rest args) (let* ((infile (make-temp-file "smime-card-in")) (outfile (make-temp-file "smime-card-out")) (cert-on-card (and (string-match "^card:\\(.*\\)$" keyfile) (match-string 1 keyfile))) (certfile (and cert-on-card (make-temp-file "smime-card-cert"))) (args (append args (list "-engine" "pkcs11" "-keyform" "engine" "-inkey" smime-card-key "-in" infile "-out" outfile))) (process (start-process "openssl" " *openssl*" smime-openssl-program))) (unwind-protect (catch 'error (when certfile (unless (= (call-process "pkcs15-tool" nil nil nil "-r" cert-on-card "-o" certfile) 0) (message "pkcs15: Error") (throw 'error nil)) (let ((args* args)) (while (and args* (not (string= (car args*) "-signer"))) (setq args* (cdr args*))) (setq args* (cdr args*)) (when args* (setcar args* certfile)))) (setq smime-card-process-output "") (set-process-filter process 'smime-card-process-filter) (unless (eq (smime-card-wait-for-prompt process) t) (message "OpenSSL: Error on startup") (throw 'error nil)) (process-send-string process smime-card-engine-command) (unless (eq (smime-card-wait-for-prompt process) t) (message "OpenSSL: Error in pkcs11 loading") (throw 'error nil)) (write-region b e infile nil 0) (process-send-string process (concat (mapconcat 'identity args " ") "\n")) (let ((answer (smime-card-wait-for-prompt process))) (cond ((eq answer 'pin) (process-send-string process (concat (read-passwd "Smartcard PIN: ") "\n")) (unless (eq (smime-card-wait-for-prompt process) t) (message "OpenSSL: Error after passphrase") (throw 'error nil))) ((eq answer t) nil) (t (message "OpenSSL: Error in processing") (throw 'error nil)))) (process-send-eof process) (with-current-buffer (car buf) (when (= (cadr (insert-file-contents outfile)) 0) (message "OpenSSL: Empty output") (throw 'error nil))) t) (delete-file infile) (delete-file outfile) (when certfile (delete-file certfile)) (delete-process process) (kill-buffer " *openssl*")))) ;;; smime.el advices (defadvice smime-sign-region (around smime-card-sign-region activate) (let ((smime-card-key (smime-card-key (ad-get-arg 2)))) ad-do-it)) (defadvice smime-decrypt-region (around smime-card-decrypt-region activate) (let ((smime-card-key (smime-card-key (ad-get-arg 2)))) ad-do-it)) (defadvice smime-call-openssl-region (around smime-card-openssl activate) (if smime-card-key (setq ad-return-value (apply 'smime-card-call-openssl-region (ad-get-args 0))) ad-do-it)) (defadvice smime-verify-region (around smime-card-verify-region activate) (if smime-card-fetch-certificates (let ((cert-ids '())) (with-temp-buffer (unless (= (call-process "pkcs15-tool" nil t nil "--list-certificates") 0) (error "pkcs15: Certificate listing")) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (re-search-forward "^[\t ]+ID[ ]+: \\([0-9]+\\) *$" nil t) (setq cert-ids (cons (match-string 1) cert-ids)))) (let ((certfile (make-temp-file "smime-card"))) (unwind-protect (progn (with-temp-file certfile (when smime-CA-file (insert-file-contents smime-CA-file)) (mapc (lambda (id) (unless (= (call-process "pkcs15-tool" nil t nil "-r" id) 0) (error "pkcs15: Certificat read"))) cert-ids)) (let ((smime-CA-file certfile)) ad-do-it)) (delete-file certfile)))) ad-do-it)) (defadvice mml-smime-verify (around smime-card-mml-smime-verify activate) ;; If both smime-CA-directory and smime-CA-file are unset, `mml-smime-verify' ;; refuses to perform certificate verification. (let ((smime-CA-file (if smime-card-fetch-certificates (or smime-CA-file "/dev/null") smime-CA-file))) ad-do-it)) ;;; Announce (provide 'smime-card) ;; arch-tag: 51da9eb2-1ebe-4255-a429-9f5b04aea4bd ;;; smime-card.el ends here