GNUS NEWS -- history of user-visible changes. Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. See the end for copying conditions. Please send Gnus bug reports to For older news, see Gnus info node "New Features". * Changes in Oort Gnus ** gnus-group-charset-alist and gnus-group-ignored-charsets-alist The regexps in these variables are compared with full group names instead of real group names in 5.8. Users who customize these variables should change those regexps accordingly. For example: ("^han\\>" euc-kr) -> ("\\(^\\|:\\)han\\>" euc-kr) ** Gnus now supports PGP-MIME (RFC2015) and SMIME. ** Gnus inlines external parts (message/external). ** MML (Mime compose) prefix changed from `M-m' to `C-c C-m'. This change was made to avoid conflict with the standard binding of `back-to-indentation', which is also useful in message mode. * Changes in Pterodactyl Gnus (5.8/5.9) The Gnus NEWS entries are short, but they reflect sweeping changes in four areas: Article display treatment, MIME treatment, internationalization and mail-fetching. ** The mail-fetching functions have changed. See the manual for the many details. In particular, all procmail fetching variables are gone. If you used procmail like in (setq nnmail-use-procmail t) (setq nnmail-spool-file 'procmail) (setq nnmail-procmail-directory "~/mail/incoming/") (setq nnmail-procmail-suffix "\\.in") this now has changed to (setq mail-sources '((directory :path "~/mail/incoming/" :suffix ".in"))) More information is available in the info doc at Select Methods -> Getting Mail -> Mail Sources ** Gnus is now a MIME-capable reader. This affects many parts of Gnus, and adds a slew of new commands. See the manual for details. ** Gnus has also been multilingualized. This also affects too many parts of Gnus to summarize here, and adds many new variables. ** gnus-auto-select-first can now be a function to be called to position point. ** The user can now decide which extra headers should be included in summary buffers and NOV files. ** `gnus-article-display-hook' has been removed. Instead, a number of variables starting with `gnus-treat-' have been added. ** The Gnus posting styles have been redone again and now works in a subtly different manner. ** New web-based backends have been added: nnslashdot, nnwarchive and nnultimate. nnweb has been revamped, again, to keep up with ever-changing layouts. ** Gnus can now read IMAP mail via nnimap. * For older news, see Gnus info node "New Features". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright information: Copyright (C) 1999, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Permission is granted to anyone to make or distribute verbatim copies of this document as received, in any medium, provided that the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved, thus giving the recipient permission to redistribute in turn. Permission is granted to distribute modified versions of this document, or of portions of it, under the above conditions, provided also that they carry prominent notices stating who last changed them. Local variables: mode: outline paragraph-separate: "[ ]*$" end: