;;; wisent-awk-wy.el --- Generated parser support file ;; Copyright (C) 2002 David Ponce ;; Author: Eric M. Ludlam ;; Created: 2007-06-05 21:46:54-0400 ;; Keywords: syntax ;; X-RCS: $Id: wisent-awk-wy.el,v 1.1 2007-11-26 15:12:27 michaels Exp $ ;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs. ;; ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at ;; your option) any later version. ;; ;; This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the ;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, ;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; PLEASE DO NOT MANUALLY EDIT THIS FILE! It is automatically ;; generated from the grammar file wisent-awk.wy. ;;; History: ;; ;;; Code: ;;; Prologue ;; ;;; Declarations ;; (defconst wisent-awk-wy--keyword-table (semantic-lex-make-keyword-table 'nil 'nil) "Table of language keywords.") (defconst wisent-awk-wy--token-table (semantic-lex-make-type-table '(("" (LEX_LENGTH) (LEX_BUILTIN) (DECREMENT) (INCREMENT) (LEX_OR) (LEX_AND) (LEX_IN) (LEX_NEXTFILE) (LEX_GETLINE) (LEX_FUNCTION) (LEX_EXIT) (LEX_NEXT) (LEX_PRINTF) (LEX_PRINT) (LEX_CONTINUE) (LEX_BREAK) (LEX_FOR) (LEX_DO) (LEX_WHILE) (LEX_DELETE) (LEX_RETURN) (LEX_ELSE) (LEX_IF) (LEX_END) (LEX_BEGIN) (CONCAT_OP) (NEWLINE) (MATCHOP) (ASSIGNOP) (APPEND_OP) (RELOP) (YSTRING) (YNUMBER) (ERROR) (REGEXP) (NAME) (FUNC_CALL))) 'nil) "Table of lexical tokens.") (defconst wisent-awk-wy--parse-table (progn (eval-when-compile (require 'wisent-comp)) (wisent-compile-grammar '((FUNC_CALL NAME REGEXP ERROR YNUMBER YSTRING RELOP APPEND_OP ASSIGNOP MATCHOP NEWLINE CONCAT_OP LEX_BEGIN LEX_END LEX_IF LEX_ELSE LEX_RETURN LEX_DELETE LEX_WHILE LEX_DO LEX_FOR LEX_BREAK LEX_CONTINUE LEX_PRINT LEX_PRINTF LEX_NEXT LEX_EXIT LEX_FUNCTION LEX_GETLINE LEX_NEXTFILE LEX_IN LEX_AND LEX_OR INCREMENT DECREMENT LEX_BUILTIN LEX_LENGTH) ((right ASSIGNOP) (right 63 58) (left LEX_OR) (left LEX_AND) (left LEX_GETLINE) (nonassoc LEX_IN) (left FUNC_CALL LEX_BUILTIN LEX_LENGTH) (nonassoc 44) (nonassoc MATCHOP) (nonassoc RELOP 60 62 124 APPEND_OP TWOWAYIO) (left CONCAT_OP) (left YSTRING YNUMBER) (left 43 45) (left 42 47 37) (right 33 UNARY) (right 94) (left INCREMENT DECREMENT) (left 36) (left 40 41)) (start_ ((opt_nls program opt_nls))) (program ((rule)) ((program rule)) ((error)) ((program error)) (nil)) (rule ((LEX_BEGIN (progn) action)) ((LEX_END (progn) action)) ((LEX_BEGIN statement_term)) ((LEX_END statement_term)) ((pattern action)) ((action)) ((pattern statement_term)) ((function_prologue function_body))) (func_name ((NAME)) ((FUNC_CALL)) ((lex_builtin))) (lex_builtin ((LEX_BUILTIN)) ((LEX_LENGTH))) (function_prologue ((LEX_FUNCTION (progn) func_name 40 opt_param_list r_paren opt_nls))) (function_body ((l_brace statements r_brace opt_semi opt_nls)) ((l_brace r_brace opt_semi opt_nls))) (pattern ((exp)) ((exp 44 exp))) (regexp ((47 (progn) REGEXP 47))) (action ((l_brace statements r_brace opt_semi opt_nls)) ((l_brace r_brace opt_semi opt_nls))) (statements ((statement)) ((statements statement)) ((error)) ((statements error))) (statement_term ((nls)) ((semi opt_nls))) (statement ((semi opt_nls)) ((l_brace r_brace)) ((l_brace statements r_brace)) ((if_statement)) ((LEX_WHILE 40 exp r_paren opt_nls statement)) ((LEX_DO opt_nls statement LEX_WHILE 40 exp r_paren opt_nls)) ((LEX_FOR 40 NAME LEX_IN NAME r_paren opt_nls statement)) ((LEX_FOR 40 opt_exp semi opt_nls exp semi opt_nls opt_exp r_paren opt_nls statement)) ((LEX_FOR 40 opt_exp semi opt_nls semi opt_nls opt_exp r_paren opt_nls statement)) ((LEX_BREAK statement_term)) ((LEX_CONTINUE statement_term)) ((print 40 expression_list r_paren output_redir statement_term)) ((print opt_rexpression_list output_redir statement_term)) ((LEX_NEXT statement_term)) ((LEX_NEXTFILE statement_term)) ((LEX_EXIT opt_exp statement_term)) ((LEX_RETURN (progn) opt_exp statement_term)) ((LEX_DELETE NAME 91 expression_list 93 statement_term)) ((LEX_DELETE NAME statement_term)) ((exp statement_term))) (print ((LEX_PRINT)) ((LEX_PRINTF))) (if_statement ((LEX_IF 40 exp r_paren opt_nls statement)) ((LEX_IF 40 exp r_paren opt_nls statement LEX_ELSE opt_nls statement))) (nls ((NEWLINE)) ((nls NEWLINE))) (opt_nls (nil) ((nls))) (input_redir (nil) ((60 simp_exp))) (output_redir (nil) ((62 exp)) ((APPEND_OP exp)) ((124 exp)) ((TWOWAYIO exp))) (opt_param_list (nil) ((param_list))) (param_list ((NAME)) ((param_list comma NAME)) ((error)) ((param_list error)) ((param_list comma error))) (opt_exp (nil) ((exp))) (opt_rexpression_list (nil) ((rexpression_list))) (rexpression_list ((rexp)) ((rexpression_list comma rexp)) ((error)) ((rexpression_list error)) ((rexpression_list error rexp)) ((rexpression_list comma error))) (opt_expression_list (nil) ((expression_list))) (expression_list ((exp)) ((expression_list comma exp)) ((error)) ((expression_list error)) ((expression_list error exp)) ((expression_list comma error))) (exp ((variable ASSIGNOP (progn) exp)) ((40 expression_list r_paren LEX_IN NAME)) ((exp 124 LEX_GETLINE opt_variable)) ((exp TWOWAYIO LEX_GETLINE opt_variable)) ((LEX_GETLINE opt_variable input_redir)) ((exp LEX_AND exp)) ((exp LEX_OR exp)) ((exp MATCHOP exp)) ((regexp)) ((33 regexp) [UNARY]) ((exp LEX_IN NAME)) ((exp RELOP exp)) ((exp 60 exp)) ((exp 62 exp)) ((exp 63 exp 58 exp)) ((simp_exp)) ((exp simp_exp) [CONCAT_OP])) (rexp ((variable ASSIGNOP (progn) rexp)) ((rexp LEX_AND rexp)) ((rexp LEX_OR rexp)) ((LEX_GETLINE opt_variable input_redir)) ((regexp)) ((33 regexp) [UNARY]) ((rexp MATCHOP rexp)) ((rexp LEX_IN NAME)) ((rexp RELOP rexp)) ((rexp 63 rexp 58 rexp)) ((simp_exp)) ((rexp simp_exp) [CONCAT_OP])) (simp_exp ((non_post_simp_exp)) ((simp_exp 94 simp_exp)) ((simp_exp 42 simp_exp)) ((simp_exp 47 simp_exp)) ((simp_exp 37 simp_exp)) ((simp_exp 43 simp_exp)) ((simp_exp 45 simp_exp)) ((variable INCREMENT)) ((variable DECREMENT))) (non_post_simp_exp ((33 simp_exp) [UNARY]) ((40 exp r_paren)) ((LEX_BUILTIN 40 opt_expression_list r_paren)) ((LEX_LENGTH 40 opt_expression_list r_paren)) ((LEX_LENGTH)) ((FUNC_CALL 40 opt_expression_list r_paren)) ((variable)) ((INCREMENT variable)) ((DECREMENT variable)) ((YNUMBER)) ((YSTRING)) ((45 simp_exp) [UNARY]) ((43 simp_exp) [UNARY])) (opt_variable (nil) ((variable))) (variable ((NAME)) ((NAME 91 expression_list 93)) ((36 non_post_simp_exp))) (l_brace ((123 opt_nls))) (r_brace ((125 opt_nls))) (r_paren ((41))) (opt_semi (nil) ((semi))) (semi ((59))) (comma ((44 opt_nls)))) 'nil)) "Parser table.") (defun wisent-awk-wy--install-parser () "Setup the Semantic Parser." (semantic-install-function-overrides '((parse-stream . wisent-parse-stream))) (setq semantic-parser-name "LALR" semantic--parse-table wisent-awk-wy--parse-table semantic-debug-parser-source "wisent-awk.wy" semantic-flex-keywords-obarray wisent-awk-wy--keyword-table semantic-lex-types-obarray wisent-awk-wy--token-table) ;; Collect unmatched syntax lexical tokens (semantic-make-local-hook 'wisent-discarding-token-functions) (add-hook 'wisent-discarding-token-functions 'wisent-collect-unmatched-syntax nil t)) ;;; Analyzers ;; (require 'semantic-lex) ;;; Epilogue ;; (provide 'wisent-awk-wy) ;;; wisent-awk-wy.el ends here