--- INTRODUCTION --- BR-COPY - Copyright notice and license for the OO-Browser BR-FEATURES - Summary of the OO-Browser features BR-README - OO-Browser overview and installation notes BR-RELEASE - What's new in this version of the OO-Browser? --- BUILDS --- GNUmakefile.id - Used for InfoDock builds of the OO-Browser. Makefile - Build OO-Browser directories and distributions. Make-Env - Build OO-Browser Environments in batch/background modes. --- DOCUMENTATION --- man/oo-browser.texi - The OO-Browser Manual (source format). man/oo-browser.info - The OO-Browser Manual (Info online reader version). Visit www.beopen.com to read an HTML version of the manual. --- GRAPHICAL BROWSER --- tree-w32/ - Source and executable for the Windows system OO-Browser interface. (Not included with UNIX distributions of the OO-Browser.) tree-x/ - Source and executable for the X window system OO-Browser interface. (Not included as part of the MS Windows OO-Browser.) --- SOURCE & EXECUTABLE CODE --- br-c-ft.el - OO-Browser C construct handling. br-c-tags - Build feature tags for default C construct classes. br-c++-ft.el - C++ OO-Browser class and member functions. br-c++.el - Support routines for C++ inheritance browsing. br-clos-ft.el - CLOS OO-Browser class and element functions. br-clos.el - Support routines for CLOS inheritance browsing. br-compl.el - Most functions for performing completion on OO constructs. br-eif-ft.el - Eiffel OO-Browser class and feature related functions. br-eif.el - Support routines for Eiffel inheritance browsing and error parsing. br-env.el - OO-Browser Environment support functions. br-ftr.el - OO-Browser feature browsing support. br-info.el - Support routines for Info file hierarchy browsing. br-init.el - OO-Browser per Emacs session initialization. br-java-ft.el - Java OO-Browser class and member functions. br-java.el - Support routines for Java inheritance browsing. br-lib.el - OO-Browser support functions. br-menu.el - Pulldown and popup menus for the OO-Browser. br-name.el - Maintain a user-specific set of names associated with OO-Browser Environments. br-objc-ft.el - Objective-C OO-Browser class and feature functions. br-objc.el - Support routines for Objective-C inheritance browsing. br-python-ft.el - Python OO-Browser class and member functions. br-python.el - Support routines for Python inheritance browsing. br-site.el - Site OO-Browser per Emacs session initialization. br-smt.el - Support routines for Smalltalk inheritance browsing and error parsing. br-start.el - Select language and invoke OO-Browser. br-tree.el - Interface between textual and graphical OO-Browsers. br-vers.el - OO-Browser revision number as 'br-version' variable. br.el - Browse object-oriented-code. c++-browse.el - C++ source code browser. clos-brows.el - Common Lisp/CLOS source code browser. eif-browse.el - Eiffel source code browser. eif-calls.el - Produce first level static call tree for Eiffel class. eif-ise-er.el - Parse ISE's Eiffel error messages. hasht.el - Create hash tables from lists and operate on them. hash-test.el - Interactively test functions from hasht.el. hmouse-br.el - Hyperbole Key control for the OO-Browser. info-brows.el - Support routines for Info inheritance browsing and error parsing. java-brows.el - Java source code browser. objc-brows.el - Objective-C source code browser. ootags.c - Specialized tags code for generating C construct entries. pyth-brows.el - Python source code browser. smt-browse.el - Smalltalk source code browser.