- What should be the default escape key for char mode? Currently; I'm using ^C. - What other keybindings should we have for char mode? - What terminal type should we use? The old shell.el defined TERM=emacs. To avoid confusion, we should use something different. (E.g. if TERM is "emacs", bash turns off editing, which is not what we want.) I'm currently using TERM=emacs-terminal. This is somewhat verbose. Other ideas: TERM=eterm TERM=emacsterm TERM=emacst. - How should buffer-local variables be defined and documented? ; Features in comint.el not supported: ; comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-input ; comint-process-echoes (would be always true) ; comint-password-prompt-regexp (not useful) ; comint-watch-for-password-prompt (not useful) ; comint-eol-on-send ; comint-run ; comint-preinput-scroll-to-bottom ; comint-postoutput-scroll-to-bottom (inlined into term-emulate-terminal). ; Should set EMACS env var to emacs-version? ; Should set TERM to vt100 if using terminfo? ; Should we set COLUMNS if using terminfo? ; New C-c kodes?