;;; cogre-loaddefs.el --- Auto-generated CEDET autoloads ;; ;;; Code: ;;;### (autoloads (cogre-load-graph cogre) "cogre" "cogre.el" (17953 ;;;;;; 30523)) ;;; Generated autoloads from cogre.el (autoload (quote cogre) "cogre" "\ Create a new graph with the Connected Graph Editor. The new graph will be given NAME. See `cogre-mode' for details. Optional argument GRAPH-CLASS indicates the type of graph to create." t nil) (autoload (quote cogre-load-graph) "cogre" "\ Load a graph from FILE into a new graph buffer." t nil) ;;;*** ;;;### (autoloads (cogre-mode) "cogre-mode" "cogre-mode.el" (17881 ;;;;;; 2107)) ;;; Generated autoloads from cogre-mode.el (autoload (quote cogre-mode) "cogre-mode" "\ Connected Graph Editor Mode. \\{cogre-mode-map}" t nil) ;;;*** ;;;### (autoloads (cogre-uml-create cogre-uml-quick-class) "uml-create" ;;;;;; "uml-create.el" (17954 15791)) ;;; Generated autoloads from uml-create.el (autoload (quote cogre-uml-quick-class) "uml-create" "\ Create a new UML diagram based on CLASS showing only immediate lineage. The parent to CLASS, CLASS, and all of CLASSes children will be shown." t nil) (autoload (quote cogre-uml-create) "uml-create" "\ Create a new UML diagram, with CLASS as the root node. CLASS must be a type in the current project." t nil) ;;;*** ;;;### (autoloads (wisent-dot-setup-parser) "wisent-dot" "wisent-dot.el" ;;;;;; (17213 39659)) ;;; Generated autoloads from wisent-dot.el (autoload (quote wisent-dot-setup-parser) "wisent-dot" "\ Setup buffer for parse." nil nil) (add-hook (quote graphviz-dot-mode-hook) (quote wisent-dot-setup-parser)) ;;;*** ;; Local Variables: ;; version-control: never ;; no-byte-compile: t ;; no-update-autoloads: t ;; End: ;;; cogre-loaddefs.el ends here