// -*- qml -*- /*! * This file is part of CameraPlus. * * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Mohammed Sameer * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ import QtQuick 2.0 import QtCamera 1.0 import CameraPlus 1.0 // TODO: hide all controls when we are focusing // TODO: hide all controls when we are dragging MouseArea { id: mouse x: cam ? cam.renderArea.x : 0 y: cam ? cam.renderArea.y : 0 width: cam ? cam.renderArea.width : 0 height: cam ? cam.renderArea.height : 0 drag.minimumX: 0 drag.minimumY: 0 drag.maximumX: width - reticle.width drag.maximumY: height - reticle.height property bool locked: false property int cafStatus: AutoFocus.None property int status: AutoFocus.None property Camera cam property bool touchMode property variant touchPoint: Qt.point(mouse.width / 2, mouse.height / 2) // A 100x100 central "rectangle" property variant centerRect: Qt.rect((mouse.width / 2 - 50), (mouse.height / 2) - 50, 100, 100) // ROI: property variant primaryRoiRect: Qt.rect(0, 0, 0, 0) property variant roiRects property variant allRoiRects property bool roiMode: allRoiRects != null && allRoiRects.length > 0 && !touchMode && !pressed property variant __initialPos onPressed: { if (mouse.x >= reticle.x && mouse.y >= reticle.y && mouse.x <= reticle.x + reticle.width && mouse.y <= reticle.y + reticle.height) { locked = true } __initialPos = touchPoint calculateTouchPoint(mouse.x, mouse.y) } onReleased: { calculateTouchPoint(mouse.x, mouse.y) locked = false } onPositionChanged: calculateTouchPoint(mouse.x, mouse.y) onCanceled: { calculateTouchPoint(__initialPos.x, __initialPos.y) locked = false } function resetReticle() { calculateTouchPoint(centerRect.x, centerRect.y) } function setRegionOfInterest() { if (!cam) { // console.log("Cannot set ROI without camera object") return } else if (mouse.pressed) { // console.log("Will not set ROI while pressed") return } else if (!touchMode && !roiMode) { // console.log("resetting ROI") cam.roi.resetRegionOfInterest() return } // TODO: rework this and move to unnormalized coordinates // in terms of video resolution: var rx = (cam.videoResolution.width * reticle.x) / mouse.width var rwidth = (cam.videoResolution.width * reticle.width) / mouse.width var ry = (cam.videoResolution.height * reticle.y) / mouse.height var rheight = (cam.videoResolution.height * reticle.height) / mouse.height // Translate to normalized coordinates (1x1 square) as expected by our C++ backend rx = rx / cam.videoResolution.width rwidth = rwidth / cam.videoResolution.width ry = ry / cam.videoResolution.height rheight = rheight / cam.videoResolution.height // console.log("Setting ROI to: " + rx + "x" + ry) cam.roi.setRegionOfInterest(Qt.rect(rx, ry, rwidth, rheight)) } function calculateTouchPoint(x, y) { if (x >= centerRect.x && y >= centerRect.y && x <= centerRect.x + centerRect.width && y <= centerRect.y + centerRect.height) { touchMode = false touchPoint = Qt.point(mouse.width / 2, mouse.height / 2) return } touchMode = true touchPoint = Qt.point(x, y) } function predictColor(caf, status) { if (status == AutoFocus.Success) { return "steelblue" } else if (status == AutoFocus.Fail) { return "red" } else if (status == AutoFocus.Running) { return "white" } else if (caf == AutoFocus.Success) { return "steelblue" } else { return "white" } } Repeater { anchors.fill: parent model: roiMode ? roiRects : 0 delegate: Rectangle { x: modelData.x y: modelData.y width: modelData.width height: modelData.height color: "transparent" border.color: "gray" border.width: 2 } } FocusRectangle { id: reticle width: mouse.pressed ? 150 : mouse.touchMode ? 200 : roiMode ? primaryRoiRect.width : 250 height: mouse.pressed ? 90 : mouse.touchMode ? 120 : roiMode ? primaryRoiRect.height : 150 x: Math.min(Math.max(mouse.touchPoint.x - (width / 2), drag.minimumX), drag.maximumX) y: Math.min(Math.max(mouse.touchPoint.y - (height / 2), drag.minimumY), drag.maximumY) color: predictColor(cafStatus, status) onXChanged: setRegionOfInterest() onYChanged: setRegionOfInterest() /* Behavior on x { PropertyAnimation { duration: 100 } enabled: !mouse.pressed } Behavior on y { PropertyAnimation { duration: 100 } enabled: !mouse.pressed } */ Behavior on width { PropertyAnimation { duration: 100 } } Behavior on height { PropertyAnimation { duration: 100 } } } Connections { target: settings // Changing mode (which implies changing pages) will not reset ROI // thus we do it here onModeChanged: resetReticle() } Connections { target: cam onRunningChanged: resetReticle() onVideoResolutionChanged: resetReticle() } Connections { target: cam.roi onRegionsChanged: { allRoiRects = regions primaryRoiRect = primary roiRects = rest if (regions.length == 0) { resetReticle() return } touchPoint = Qt.point(primary.x + (reticle.width / 2), primary.y + (reticle.height / 2)) } } /* // This is for debugging Rectangle { color: "blue" opacity: 0.2 anchors.fill: parent } Rectangle { color: "red" opacity: 0.4 x: centerRect.x y: centerRect.y width: centerRect.width height: centerRect.height } */ Timer { interval: 500 running: status == AutoFocus.Running triggeredOnStart: true repeat: true onTriggered: reticle.visible = !reticle.visible onRunningChanged: { if (!running) { reticle.visible = true } } } }