;;; gdk.el --- Import GDK functions into SXEmacs ;; Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation ;; Maintainer: William Perry ;; Keywords: extensions, dumped ;; This file is part of SXEmacs. ;; SXEmacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; SXEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Synched up with: Not in FSF ;;; Commentary: ;; This file is dumped with SXEmacs. (eval-and-compile (require 'gtk-ffi)) (globally-declare-fboundp '(gtk-import-function-internal gtk-call-function)) (gtk-import-function nil gdk_set_show_events (gboolean . show_events)) (gtk-import-function nil gdk_set_use_xshm (gboolean . use_xshm)) (gtk-import-function GtkString gdk_get_display) (gtk-import-function nil gdk_flush) (gtk-import-function nil gdk_beep) (gtk-import-function nil gdk_key_repeat_disable) (gtk-import-function nil gdk_key_repeat_restore) (gtk-import-function gint gdk_visual_get_best_depth) (gtk-import-function GdkVisualType gdk_visual_get_best_type) (gtk-import-function GdkVisual gdk_visual_get_system) (gtk-import-function GdkVisual gdk_visual_get_best) (gtk-import-function GdkVisual gdk_visual_get_best_with_depth (gint . depth)) (gtk-import-function GdkVisual gdk_visual_get_best_with_type (GdkVisualType . visual_type)) (gtk-import-function GdkVisual gdk_visual_get_best_with_both (gint . depth) (GdkVisualType . visual_type)) (gtk-import-function gboolean gdk_window_is_visible (GdkWindow . window)) (gtk-import-function gboolean gdk_window_is_viewable (GdkWindow . window)) (gtk-import-function gboolean gdk_window_set_static_gravities (GdkWindow . window) (gboolean . use_static)) (gtk-import-function nil gdk_window_set_cursor (GdkWindow . window) (GdkCursor . cursor)) (gtk-import-function GdkVisual gdk_window_get_visual (GdkWindow . window)) (gtk-import-function GdkWindowType gdk_window_get_type (GdkWindow . window)) (gtk-import-function GdkWindow gdk_window_get_parent (GdkWindow . window)) (gtk-import-function GdkWindow gdk_window_get_toplevel (GdkWindow . window)) (gtk-import-function GdkEventMask gdk_window_get_events (GdkWindow . window)) (gtk-import-function none gdk_window_set_events (GdkWindow . window) (GdkEventMask . events)) (gtk-import-function none gdk_window_set_icon (GdkWindow . window) (GdkWindow . icon_window) (GdkPixmap . pixmap) (GdkBitmap . mask)) (gtk-import-function none gdk_window_set_icon_name (GdkWindow . window) (GtkString . name)) (gtk-import-function none gdk_window_set_group (GdkWindow . window) (GdkWindow . leader)) (gtk-import-function none gdk_window_set_decorations (GdkWindow . window) (GdkWMDecoration . decorations)) (gtk-import-function none gdk_window_set_functions (GdkWindow . window) (GdkWMFunction . functions)) ;; Cursors are handled by glyphs in XEmacs ;; GCs are handled by faces in XEmacs ;; Pixmaps are handled by glyphs in XEmacs ;; Images are handled by glyphs in XEmacs ;; Colors are handled natively by XEmacs ;; Fonts are handled natively by XEmacs (gtk-import-function none gdk_draw_point (GdkDrawable . drawable) (GdkGC . gc) (gint . x) (gint . y)) (gtk-import-function none gdk_draw_line (GdkDrawable . drawable) (GdkGC . gc) (gint . x1) (gint . y1) (gint . x2) (gint . y2)) (gtk-import-function none gdk_draw_rectangle (GdkDrawable . drawable) (GdkGC . gc) (gboolean . filled) (gint . x) (gint . y) (gint . width) (gint . height)) (gtk-import-function none gdk_draw_arc (GdkDrawable . drawable) (GdkGC . gc) (gboolean . filled) (gint . x) (gint . y) (gint . width) (gint . height) (gint . angle1) (gint . angle2)) (gtk-import-function none gdk_draw_string (GdkDrawable . drawable) (GdkFont . font) (GdkGC . gc) (gint . x) (gint . y) (GtkString . string)) (gtk-import-function none gdk_draw_text (GdkDrawable . drawable) (GdkFont . font) (GdkGC . gc) (gint . x) (gint . y) (GtkString . string) (gint . text_length)) (gtk-import-function none gdk_draw_pixmap (GdkDrawable . drawable) (GdkGC . gc) (GdkImage . image) (gint . xsrc) (gint . ysrc) (gint . xdest) (gint . ydest) (gint . width) (gint . height)) ;; Selections are handled natively by XEmacs (provide 'gdk)