;; 10-pkgs-sy.el --- Various XE Package Settings -*- Emacs-Lisp -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2007 - 2020 Steve Youngs ;; Author: Steve Youngs ;; Maintainer: Steve Youngs ;; Created: <2007-12-02> ;; Time-stamp: ;; Download: ;; HTMLised: ;; Git Repo: git clone https://git.sxemacs.org/syinit ;; Keywords: init, compile ;; This file is part of SYinit ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ;; are met: ;; ;; 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; ;; 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ;; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ;; ;; 3. Neither the name of the author nor the names of any contributors ;; may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this ;; software without specific prior written permission. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR ;; IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED ;; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE ;; DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE ;; FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR ;; CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF ;; SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR ;; BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ;; WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE ;; OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN ;; IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; Lots of settings for various XEmacs packages that I use. Plus a ;; few other packages. ;; ;; I want to point out that I DO NOT blindly install the "sumo" ;; packages. I only install what I need and use. And I absolutely ;; DO NOT have the "fsf-compat" package installed, although I do ;; have overlay.el from there. It just makes my life a tad easier. ;;; Credits: ;; ;; The HTML version of this file was created with Hrvoje Niksic's ;; htmlize.el which is part of the XEmacs "text-modes" package. ;; ;;; Todo: ;; ;; ;;; Code: ;:*====================== ;:* MusicPD (Not an XEmacs package) (require 'mpd) (defun sy-mpd-play () "Start playing music from a randomly chosen playlist." (interactive) (mpd-send "clear") (mpd-send "load Full-sorted.playlist") (mpd-send "random 1") (mpd-send "repeat 1") (mpd-playpause)) (defun 2001-mpd-play () "Start playing 2001 audio book." (interactive) (mpd-send "clear") (mpd-send "load 2001_A_Space_Odyssey.playlist") (mpd-send "random 0") (mpd-send "repeat 0") (mpd-playpause)) ;; Audio keybindings (global-set-key [XF86AudioPlay] #'mpd-playpause) (global-set-key [XF86AudioStop] #'mpd-stop) (global-set-key [XF86AudioNext] #'mpd-next-track) (global-set-key [XF86AudioPrev] #'mpd-previous-track) (global-set-key [XF86AudioRaiseVolume] #'mpd-volume-up) (global-set-key [XF86AudioLowerVolume] #'mpd-volume-down) (global-set-key [XF86AudioMute] #'mpd-volume-mute/unmute) ;; Mpd frame props (unless (or (string= (getenv "KDE_FULL_SESSION") "true") (string= (getenv "SAWFISH_IS_RUNNING") "true")) (push (cons 'override-redirect t) mpd-dock-frame-plist)) (push (cons 'left 1780) mpd-dock-frame-plist) (push (cons 'top 5) mpd-dock-frame-plist) (push (cons 'internal-border-width 4) mpd-dock-frame-plist) (push (cons 'border-width 1) mpd-dock-frame-plist) (push (cons 'border-color "red") mpd-dock-frame-plist) ;:*====================== ;:* View-process (`top' for emacs) (require 'view-process-mode) (setq View-process-host-names-and-system-types '(("bastard.steveyoungs.com" ("linux" nil "bsd" View-process-field-name-descriptions-linux View-process-kill-signals-linux)))) (setq View-process-status-command-switches-system-v "auxw") (setq View-process-ps-header-window-offset 3) (add-hook 'View-process-header-mode-hook (lambda () (set-specifier horizontal-scrollbar-visible-p nil (current-buffer)) (set-specifier vertical-scrollbar-visible-p nil (current-buffer)))) ;:*===================== ;:* whitespace-mode (autoload 'whitespace-mode "whitespace-mode" nil t) (autoload 'whitespace-incremental-mode "whitespace-mode" nil t) ;:*====================== ;:* func-menu (require 'func-menu) (add-hook 'find-file-hooks 'fume-setup-buffer) (add-hook 'Manual-mode-hook 'turn-on-fume-mode) (define-key fume-mode-map [(control button3)] #'mouse-function-menu) (setq fume-display-in-modeline-p t fume-menu-path '("View")) ;:*====================== ;:* recent-files.el --- Maintain menu of recently opened files. (when (featurep 'menubar) (require 'recent-files) (setq recent-files-non-permanent-submenu t recent-files-menu-path '("File") recent-files-add-menu-before "Insert File..." recent-files-save-file (expand-file-name ".recent-files.el" user-init-directory) recent-files-dont-include '(#r"\.config/sxemacs/\(howm\|diary\).*$" #r"sxemacs/timelog$" #r"info/dir$" #r"\.\(newsrc*\|bbdb\)$" #r"init\.d\.el")) (recent-files-initialize)) ;:*====================== ;:* jka-compr ;; Handle automatic (de)compresion of [bg]zip files (require 'jka-compr) (jka-compr-install) ;:*====================== ;:* iswitchb ;: A really cool package to switch buffers (require 'iswitchb) (setq iswitchb-default-method 'samewindow) (iswitchb-default-keybindings) (add-hook 'iswitchb-define-mode-map-hook '(lambda () (define-key iswitchb-mode-map " " 'iswitchb-next-match) (define-key iswitchb-mode-map [(control ?\ )] 'iswitchb-prev-match) (define-key iswitchb-mode-map "\C-a" 'iswitchb-toggle-ignore))) ;:*====================== ;:* backup ;: move all backups in one directory (require 'backup-dir) (setq bkup-backup-directory-info '((t "~/.autosave/" ok-create full-path))) (setq version-control 'preserve-prefer-numbered) (setq-default delete-old-versions t) ;:*====================== ;:* Load minibuffer history, but only if mule or file-coding is available (when (featurep '(or mule file-coding)) (require 'savehist) (setq savehist-file (expand-file-name "history" user-init-directory)) (setq savehist-coding-system (coding-system-name (find-coding-system 'iso-8859-1))) (savehist-mode 1)) ;:*====================== ;:* Kyle Jones' redo package. (when running-xemacs (require 'redo) (global-set-key [(control f2)] 'redo)) (require 'scroll-in-place) ;:*====================== ;:* pending-del ;: Non-nil when Pending Delete mode is enabled. In Pending Delete mode, typed ;: text replaces the selected region. Normally, you shouldn't modify this ;: variable by hand, but use the function `pending-delete-mode' instead. However, ;: you can customize the default value from the options menu (auto delete ;: selection). (require 'pending-del) (turn-on-pending-delete nil) ;:*====================== ;:* comment-region ;: Comment or uncomment each line in the region. ;: Comments are terminated on each line, even for syntax in which newline does ;: not end the comment. Blank lines do not get comments. (require 'newcomment) (global-set-key '(control f12) 'comment-or-uncomment-region) (global-set-key '(meta f12) 'comment-or-uncomment-region) ;;; FIXME: <<< SXEInits ;:*====================== ;:* parens that mark sexpressions (require 'paren) (paren-set-mode 'paren) ;:*====================== ;:* easy editing of crontab files (require 'crontab-edit "crontab.elc") (setq crontab-delete-blank-lines nil) (setq crontab-filename (expand-file-name ".crontab" (user-home-directory))) (setq crontab-directory (paths-construct-path '("spool" "cron" "crontabs") "/var")) ;:*====================== ;:* a major mode for editing X resource database files (autoload 'xrdb-mode "xrdb-mode" "Mode for editing X resource files" t) ;:*====================== ;:* Footnote package (require 'footnote) ;:*====================== ;:* Filladapt-Mode (require 'filladapt) (setq-default filladapt-mode t) (setq filladapt-fill-column-tolerance 5) (add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'turn-off-filladapt-mode) ;:*====================== ;:* Speedbar ;;; FIXME: <<< Speedbar Tooltips ;;; >>> ~/programming/SXEmacs/packages/xemacs-packages/speedbar/speedbar.el (setq speedbar-query-confirmation-method 'none-but-delete speedbar-show-unknown-files t speedbar-tag-hierarchy-method '(speedbar-prefix-group-tag-hierarchy speedbar-trim-words-tag-hierarchy speedbar-simple-group-tag-hierarchy speedbar-sort-tag-hierarchy) ;; speedbar-track-mouse-flag t ;; speedbar-use-tool-tips-flag t speedbar-visiting-tag-hook 'speedbar-recenter-to-top) (when (featurep 'menubar) (add-menu-button '("Tools") ["Speedbar" speedbar-frame-mode :style toggle :selected (and (boundp 'speedbar-frame) (frame-live-p speedbar-frame) (frame-visible-p speedbar-frame))] "--")) (global-set-key [(f4)] 'speedbar-get-focus) (require 'sb-image) (require 'sb-info) (require 'sb-texinfo) (eval-after-load "speedbar" '(load-library "sb-texinfo")) (eval-after-load "speedbar" '(load-library "sb-html")) (autoload 'w3-speedbar-buttons "sb-w3" "W3 specific speedbar button generator.") ;;; Speedbar frame props ;; 'name' (so I can use matched windows in Sawfish) (setq speedbar-frame-plist (plist-put speedbar-frame-plist 'name "Speedbar::Frame")) ;; No scrollbars (setq speedbar-frame-plist (plist-put speedbar-frame-plist 'scrollbar-height 0)) (setq speedbar-frame-plist (plist-put speedbar-frame-plist 'scrollbar-width 0)) ;; A little wider than default (setq speedbar-frame-plist (plist-put speedbar-frame-plist 'width 25)) ;; FIXME: see... <<< PKGFix ;; Try to load the speedbar on the right of the current frame (defalias 'dframe-reposition-frame-xemacs 'dframe-reposition-frame-emacs) (setq speedbar-default-position 'right) ;; Speedbar only does the repositioning thing if the frame has to be ;; created. If you have only closed the speedbar frame with 'q' ;; instead of deleting it with 'Q' then the frame remains live. As ;; there is no perceptible speed difference of coming back from ;; either a closed or deleted speedbar frame the following will ;; force a delete-frame even if you are only closing it. (defun sy-speedbar-kill () (when (frame-live-p speedbar-frame) (delete-frame speedbar-frame))) (add-hook 'speedbar-before-delete-hook #'sy-speedbar-kill) ;:*====================== ;:* Shell-mode ;; Trying to get compilation buffers to recognise ANSI colour ;; sequences because GCC. Doesn't seem to work. Probably have to ;; stick to `GCC_COLORS= make' (defun sy/comint-hooks () (ansi-color-for-comint-mode-on) (fast-lock-mode 1) (font-lock-mode 1)) (autoload 'ansi-color-for-comint-mode-on "ansi-color" nil t) (add-hook 'comint-mode-hook #'sy/comint-hooks) (add-hook 'compilation-mode-hook #'sy/comint-hooks) (add-hook 'shell-mode-hook 'ansi-color-for-comint-mode-on) (add-hook 'shell-mode-hook 'turn-on-font-lock) ;:*======================= ;:* Shell-script (setq sh-basic-offset 4) ;:*====================== ;:* Compile-Mode (setq compilation-always-signal-completion t mode-compile-make-program "GCC_COLORS= make" compilation-read-command t compilation-window-height 10 compile-command "GCC_COLORS= make") ;:*====================== ;:* Version Control (vc-load-vc-hooks) ;; #'vc-load-vc-hooks brings in vc-xemacs which adds this hook. I ;; would never need it. (remove-hook 'find-file-hooks 'vc-xemacs-hg-find-file-hook) (setq ;; I pretty much only use git now so there's no point in VC trying to ;; handle any other type. vc-handled-backends '(GIT) vc-follow-symlinks t) ;:*====================== ;:* Ediff & Diff-mode (require 'ediff) (require 'diff-mode) (setq ediff-use-toolbar-p t ediff-custom-diff-options "-u" ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-plain) (setq diff-switches "-u") ;:*===================== ;:* Tramp (require 'tramp) (setq tramp-default-method "ssh" tramp-auto-save-directory "~/.autosave/" tramp-remote-path '("/usr/lib/pkgusr" "/usr/bin" "/bin" "/usr/X11R6/bin")) ; :*====================== ; :* Eshell (setq eshell-directory-name (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name "eshell" user-init-directory)) eshell-ask-to-save-history 'always eshell-save-history-on-exit t eshell-banner-message (concat "Welcome to Eshell on " (system-name) ", running " (shell-command-to-string "uname -rs") "In: " emacs-version "\n\n") eshell-hist-ignoredups t eshell-modules-list '(eshell-alias eshell-banner eshell-basic eshell-cmpl eshell-dirs eshell-glob eshell-hist eshell-ls eshell-pred eshell-prompt ;eshell-rebind eshell-script ;eshell-smart eshell-term eshell-unix eshell-xtra)) (defun sy-eshell-bol-maybe (&optional prompt) "*Move point to beginning of command or bol if there already. If at bol, move point to beginning of command. Optional arg, PROMPT is a regexp of your eshell prompt." (interactive) (let* ((prompt (or prompt "^.+ [$%] ")) (lbpos (point-at-bol)) (prspos (save-excursion (goto-char lbpos) (search-forward-regexp prompt (point-at-eol) t))) (cpos (point))) (goto-char (cond ((null prspos) lbpos) ((= cpos (or prspos 0)) lbpos) (prspos) (t lbpos))))) (defun sy-eshell-bol-maybe-key () (define-key eshell-mode-map [(control ?a)] 'sy-eshell-bol-maybe)) (add-hook 'eshell-mode-hook #'sy-eshell-bol-maybe) (add-hook 'eshell-mode-hook #'sy-eshell-bol-maybe-key t) (add-hook 'eshell-output-filter-functions #'eshell-handle-ansi-color) (defun sy-esh-cdl (&optional type) "Eshell function to find current kernel's build or source dir. Non-nil TYPE means find the current kernel's build directory, otherwise find the source directory." (let* ((base "/lib/modules/") (ver (substring (shell-command-to-string "uname -r") 0 -1)) (dir (file-name-as-directory (concat base ver "/" (if type "build" "source"))))) (cd dir))) (defun cdls () "Change directory to current kernel source directory. Convenience function to use with Eshell." (interactive) (sy-esh-cdl)) (defun cdlb () "Change directory to current kernel build directory. Convenience function to use with Eshell." (interactive) (sy-esh-cdl 'build)) ; :*====================== ; :* FFAP -- Find File At Point (require 'ffap) ;; Make sure ffap does NOT get in my way... (setq ffap-bindings nil) (global-set-key [f3] #'find-file-at-point) (global-set-key [(control x) ?4 f3] #'ffap-other-window) (global-set-key [(control x) ?5 f3] #'ffap-other-frame) (global-set-key [(shift button3)] #'ffap-at-mouse) (global-set-key [(control shift button3)] #'ffap-menu) (setq ffap-machine-p-known 'accept ffap-machine-p-unknown 'accept ffap-machine-p-local 'accept) ;:*====================== ;:* Auto-Insert (require 'auto-insert-tkld) (setq auto-insert-alist '(("\\.texi\\(nfo\\)?$" . "TeXinfo") ("\\.c$" . "C") ("\\.cc$" . "C++") ("\\.h$" . "C Header") ("\\.el$" . "Emacs Lisp") ("[Mm]akefile" . "Makefile") ("\\.sh$" . "Sh") ("\\.pl$" . "Perl"))) (setq auto-insert-type-alist '(("TeXinfo" . "texinfo-insert.texi") ("C" . "c-insert.c") ("C Header" . "h-insert.h") ("C++" . "c++-insert.cc") ("Emacs Lisp" . "elisp-insert.el") ("Makefile" . "makefile.inc") ("Perl" . "perl-insert.pl") ("Sh" . "sh-insert.sh"))) (add-to-list 'auto-insert-path '"~/documents/Templates/") ;; Don't auto-insert into AucTeX style .els (defadvice TeX-auto-store (around no-auto-insert activate) "Ensure auto-insert is deactivated" (let ((auto-insert-automatically nil)) ad-do-it)) (message "Auto-Insert initialised!") ;:*======================= ;:* My git shit (require 'sy-git) (require 'git) ;:*====================== ;:* Emacs Lisp List (defvar sxell-initialised-flag) (defvar sxell-download-directory) (when (and (featurep '(and sxemacs postgresql)) (fboundp 'ffi-defun)) (require 'sxell) (setq sxell-initialised-flag t sxell-download-directory (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name "download/SXEmacs" (user-home-directory))))) ;:*====================== ;:* EasyPG (require 'epa-setup) (defun sy-epa-export-key () "Wrapper for `epa-export-keys' to export ASCII armoured keys." (interactive) (let ((epa-armor t)) (call-interactively #'epa-export-keys))) (define-key epa-key-list-mode-map [?O] #'sy-epa-export-key) ;:*======================= ;:* Howm thing. (this needs mule, but that is default so no biggie) (require 'howm) (setq howm-directory (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name "howm" user-init-directory)) howm-keyword-file (expand-file-name "howm-keys" user-init-directory) howm-history-file (expand-file-name "howm-history" user-init-directory)) ;; howm has the unfortunate name that ends in `wm' which is what ;; winmgr-mode uses, so nuke winmgr-mode from auto-mode-alist (remove-alist 'auto-mode-alist "\\.[^/]*wm2?\\(?:rc\\)?\\'") ;; The howm people are stupid, they bind C-h to scroll-down ;; Get rid of it and replace with DEL and BACKSPACE (define-key howm-menu-mode-map "\C-h" nil) (define-key howm-menu-mode-map [delete] #'scroll-down) (define-key howm-menu-mode-map [backspace] #'scroll-down) (define-key riffle-summary-mode-map "\C-h" nil) (define-key riffle-summary-mode-map [delete] #'scroll-other-window-down) (define-key riffle-summary-mode-map [backspace] #'scroll-other-window-down) (define-key riffle-contents-mode-map "\C-h" nil) (define-key riffle-contents-mode-map [delete] #'scroll-down) (define-key riffle-contents-mode-map [backspace] #'scroll-down) ;; Add a binding to show the active todo list (global-set-key [(control ?c) ?t] #'howm-list-active-todo) ;; Another problem with howm... it fucks up window configuration (defadvice howm-keyword-search (before howm-save-kw (&rest args) activate) "Save window configuration before viewing howm buffers." (window-configuration-to-register ?h)) (defadvice howm-list-grep-fixed (before howm-save-win1 (&rest args) activate) "Save window configuration before viewing howm buffers." (window-configuration-to-register ?h)) (defadvice howm-list-grep (before howm-save-win (&rest args) activate) "Save window configuration before viewing howm buffers." (window-configuration-to-register ?h)) (defadvice howm-list-todo (before howm-save-win (&rest args) activate) "Save window configuration before viewing howm buffers." (window-configuration-to-register ?h)) (defadvice howm-list-active-todo (before howm-save-win (&rest args) activate) "Save window configuration before viewing howm buffers." (window-configuration-to-register ?h)) (defadvice riffle-kill-buffer (after howm-restore-win (&rest args) activate) "Restore the original window configuration." (jump-to-register ?h)) ;; howm fucks up font-lock'ing like you wouldn't believe, adding a ;; call to `turn-on-font-lock' here at least restores a certain level ;; of normalcy. (defun turn-on-howm-mode () (turn-on-font-lock) (howm-mode 1)) (defun turn-off-howm-mode () (howm-mode 0)) ;; Turn it on where I need it (add-hook 'lisp-interaction-mode-hook #'turn-on-howm-mode) (add-hook 'text-mode-hook #'turn-on-howm-mode) (add-hook 'latex-mode-hook #'turn-on-howm-mode) (add-hook 'c-mode-hook #'turn-on-howm-mode) (add-hook 'sh-mode-hook #'turn-on-howm-mode) ;; You gotta be fooking kidding me, this prevents lisp-initd.el from ;; compiling the generated .el (moved to init.el) ;;;;; (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook #'turn-on-howm-mode) ;; Turn it off where I don't (add-hook 'html-mode-hook #'turn-off-howm-mode) (add-hook 'texinfo-mode-hook #'turn-off-howm-mode) ;; Various other howm problem fixes ;; I'm having a big problem with howm/font-lock/message-mode playing ;; nicely together. This gives me font-locking in message-mode, plus ;; howm functionality, but no howm font-locking. I can live without ;; howm font-lock in one buffer. (add-hook 'message-mode-hook #'(lambda () (font-lock-mode) (font-lock-mode))) ;; ChangeLogs (add-hook 'change-log-mode-hook #'font-lock-mode) ;:*===================== ;:* snap! ;; save/load snapshot of application to/from text ;; Usage: ;; (1) M-x snap-record on application, e.g. Wanderlust. ;; (2) Yank (C-y) on any buffer, e.g. *scratch* or ~/memo.txt. ;; (3) M-x snap-play on yanked text ==> snapshot (1) is restored. (require 'snap) (global-set-key [(hyper ?s) ?r] #'snap-record) ;; env var trickery. (setq snap-abbreviate-environment-variables '("EMCHAT" "JAVA_HOME" "LISP" "PKGS" "QTDIR" "SXEBLD" "SXESITE" "SXEWD" "SYdrive" "SYdrop" "HOME")) (defadvice snap-abbreviate-file-name (around env-var (raw-path) activate) ad-do-it (let ((path (expand-file-name raw-path)) (rules (mapcar #'(lambda (var) (let ((val (getenv var))) (and val (cons (concat "^" (regexp-quote val)) (format "${%s}" var))))) snap-abbreviate-environment-variables))) (mapc #'(lambda (r) (when (and r (string-match (car r) path)) (setq ad-return-value (replace-regexp-in-string (car r) (cdr r) path)))) (reverse rules)))) ;; Bookmark extras (eval-after-load "bookmark" (progn (ad-enable-advice 'bookmark-buffer-file-name 'around 'with-snap) (ad-enable-advice 'bookmark-jump-noselect 'around 'with-snap))) ;; ffap extras (setq ffap-url-regexp snap-ffap-url-regexp) (setq ffap-url-fetcher snap-ffap-url-fetcher) ;:*======================= ;:* ElDoc (handy thingy dingy for lisp programming) ;; displays function args and var doc strings in echo area ;(setq eldoc-use-idle-timer-p nil) ;(autoload #'turn-on-eldoc-mode "eldoc" nil t) ;(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook #'turn-on-eldoc-mode) ;(add-hook 'lisp-interaction-mode-hook #'turn-on-eldoc-mode) ;:*======================= ;:* Man pages (require 'man) ;; You can't follow xrefs via keyboard, so... (defun sy:Manual-follow-xref-kbd () "Invoke `manual-entry' on the cross-reference at point." (interactive) (let* ((ext (extent-at (point))) (data (and ext (extent-property ext 'man)))) (if (eq (car-safe data) 'Manual-follow-xref) (eval data) (error 'search-failed "no manual cross-reference there.")) (or (manual-entry (extent-string ext)) ;; Couldn't find it, try other sections. (and (string-match "[ \t]*([^)]+)\\'" (extent-string ext)) (progn (message "No entries found for %s; checking other sections..." (extent-string ext)) (manual-entry (substring (extent-string ext) 0 (match-beginning 0)) nil t)))))) (define-key Manual-mode-map [(control return)] #'sy:Manual-follow-xref-kbd) (define-key Manual-mode-map [button1] #'Manual-follow-xref) ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::* (message "packages loaded")